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Author Bella

Author Bella's Books(2)



"What did you say?" The startled Tiffany asked as she clutch onto the chair she was on. "Marry me" Frederick repeated and that got her getting out of her seat. "But why? I already told you why I pretended to be Sarah" she replied wondering why he's asking to marry her when there are billion of girls wanting to be with him. "And I told you that I don't care. What I care about is that I marry you and marrying you I will. I mean it Tiffany, you will be my wife at all cost " ***** It all began with a dare. A dare which change Tiffany Hilton life for good. While attending a school reunion gathering, Tiffany was dared into dressing up as Sarah Morgan. Sarah being a rich model who was currently visiting their city. Being some one who never backs out of a challenge, Tiffany sneak into Sarah's room and dress up like her but what she didn't expect is that she will be mistaken to be Sarah. And it just so happen that Sarah is meant to attend a blind date that day. Since they think her to be Sarah, Tiffany has no choice but to attend the date as Sarah. And that's where she meets Frederick Davis, a rich business tycoon who turn out to be Sarah's blind date. Tiffany did her best to end the date as soon as she could but every crazy thing she did got Frederick more interested in her. Noticing his interest in her and knowing that she's just an imposter pretending to be some one else, Tiffany escape from the date hoping to never see him again. But then some thing happen which brought her back into his life and this time Frederick won't give her the chance to escape from him.