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Royally Screwed

Chapter 2 Central castle, dinning hall

Word Count: 1457    |    Released on: 04/05/2024

dinning table in different dishes, and maids

e door, and the t

ina first, th

etty daughters of the cruel King Osv

full of treasure beads and dia

r, so the three made a bun and held

her, and it's already obvi

t the foods on the table, knowin

eling like throwing up ju

not crowned queen yet, the desperate one w

nd that earned her a glare f

ere, so Kimmy knows how t

l concentrated on the dishes as the Lion himself stepped in, dangerousl

s, and his lips are tight, brows pulled, eyes

e time venomous with no em

ful daughters by now, but he got married to late queen Fel

e triplets and died immediatel

re all aware that there's no single love inside h

ediately he began eating, the others

ll?" Osvaldo's h

able especially jambalaya, I

lied with a deadly cal

immy replie

ces with smiles. They know what

o. She has never

d eat" King Osvaldo

instant, the dinning table split into four, was

ned their bac

window, and the stained glass broke as she went in b

ed and landed

but no single ounce of mercy in his

Kimmy cried as the blood from her head began

ushed out of the d

stance, watching t

nd, and a tortoise appea

y only pet please don't harm it!!!!" K

re Olk into two, and the

!!!" Sh

ina were alre

ry smile as Osvaldo pointed on

eyes more grim and e

I can't!!!"

spoon flew out of the dinnin

liced off Kimmy's head, a

ooked up to see Osvaldo's d

her imagine h

and tore the raw flesh int

ext time" Osvaldo muttered

go Karina" Katie said,

king to Kimmy to gi

e near" sh

egra smiled, w

y they got back in. They were trailing behind t

y don't we have some

'll chose" Katie smi

d that one came forwa

rvants in the passage, and he was pe

d and held her shoulders

the worse thing you've

r, and all Hellgars have that

he truth to any question and do anything

ce from the kitchen"

shoulders of th

he worse thing you've e

mother to get her savin

can go!" Karina told the

curved it in a scoopy way l

ed on her palm, and blood started rus

His groans fill

ps as she stared at the pluc

snapped the servant's neck, unali

d the manhood to th

the 100 years old wine from the underground cellar. You have twenty minutes,

hness!" The ma

od on her thumb and c



bel screamed as the group of th

es from them already as she foug

screams intensified as they started squeezi

abrupt stopping of the ship,

check, but he was sent back in d

nce too, and they returned

their daggered heads, flo

f, and tears escaped her eyes

rl, her

she s

eel in front of her, co

obviously because

here, I promise" he

partment and went to the s

ook his place, and Yisabel started calmin

and he helped her out to the sh

She asked when he par

leave for now" he said, but

u, Carl" s

a" he replied, h

scape will be the begi

ders, she wouldn't have lost e

wouldn't have l

that this is just the

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