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The Billionaire's Substituted Bride

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1332    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

I was soon on my way to the mall. Hannah sent the list to me, as I was about to enter the mall. I found it

me, I texted

it to the art exhibition. Olivia's

ad you are not coming to th

rry I mess

be. Girl, we've go

cture we take. You won't

girls. I

ized I was close to the house alrea

go. I am h

aire wrote a

fun for me i

t and stepped out of the taxi. Takin

ing back?" my dad

ith some papers in his hands

gs on the floor.

ng a meeting to

me with y

n't listening to

hould join Hannah in the kitchen.

I do not know how to do any proper house chores. I

, before joining Ha

These are the

them over there and wash your hands

m on the tabl

I can eat? I feel s

ereal. I haven't made a

es. "I will ge

I passed the cabbage to her. "Eat qui

a bottle of milk. I poured some cereal into a bowl and added

y phone and beg

e pictures and I

okay?" Ha

ures on my phone. "I

d be but you aren't. G

I should and I fee

n always go with them another day

help can I rende

tables. But that will be af

cereal and bottled milk and i r

d turned to face her.

hope you can cu

ser to her. "If you know I can'

e, we both know that you are

at matter here? I do

is for you to be a

Hannah, spare me yo

to rinse the vegetables she gave me.

" Hannah said. "We can't af

ry my best not to l

op them quickl

live, chop them properly," she said. "Those are too big. N

can you let me do

me. We also have to do a perfect job to

ng to do with m

better," Hannah said and I

your beloved Olivia to get them done". Hannah stared at me. "You know what,

ds and dried th

are not leav

the apron.

and found my way

I shrugged but said nothing. "You seem

friends," I said wal

going to help out in

I do not do things properly. I do not do things the way Olivia will. I am not needed here

dad called


e that I was on my way to the art exhibi

my mom said

ou going?" O


y mom asked but I said nothing.

do that"

" my mo

have to go." I s

efore the Campbells will be

omise that.

go," my

ed a taxi and headed to the art exhibition g

ing when you said you w

't." I

should be helping out. Are you done helping o

e me or not?" I repl

re," Lucy said.

her words. Knowing that you'

htly. "It's good to h

e go check things out? I

sculptures you wi

the faceles

Lucy answered and I

eck that o

ed. "Of cou

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