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The Billionaire's Substituted Bride

The Billionaire's Substituted Bride


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 30/04/2024


st nine and the perfect time to leave the house. I stared at myself in the mirror for the last time, my hair already packe

turned. "Where are you going dressed

nswered, adjusting my bag. "What are you doin

e are you heading, dressed in this man

explanation but since you care

. I ignored her and opened the window. "You can

ia the perfect daughter of the Williams family. You

with her talk. I ignored her and jumped out of the window. "Olive, you can't go o

you can go to hell for all I care!". I gav

aiting for me at the club. The taxi stopped after a while, and I stepped out aft

iends." I cooed

ds me, pulling

ught you would not be making it here

l never miss th

ere. I told Claire you

an't wait to roll my waist

y girl!" Claire

nd found our way to t

Lucy." Adams, the bartender coo

d and sat down. "A glass

pleases." Adam b

ister, Olivia?

hter of the Williams famil

tting married soon

the Campbell famil

" Adams said, and I

tered, before s

o has no interest in the fami

onaire and is doing pretty well

w what business he wa

deling company, I heard, but

drugs" Claire whis

with their conversation,

ything," Claire said a

ut w

ut your sister getting married,

that my

o miss her?" Claire

ontent in my cup and drop

f tonic. I need to relieve m

d, picking

ave a connection with the

t my sister's marriage to the Campbel

out their son th

ding up. "Maybe I should find myself, another club to go to. A p

is. We were just curious, you know.". I glared at her and she

of vodka to me and I gulped

ire suggested. "I am beginning to get unco

rolling our waists to the tune of the music. After dan

, I doubted if Lucy heard me. I tapped her slightly, and she turned to face

e finding my way out of the club. I found a nice place to sit, stretching my legs, an

the police on you and tell them you are min

inors. I thoug

began to hum a song. The weather

tiful night

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