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Word Count: 2231    |    Released on: 07/07/2023


abandoned basement which is now taken over by junkies, thugs, graffitists, deserved-homeless citi

are always in to race their lives to safety eac

, but to be safe from paying fine

street dancers are dragged for being noisy, the junkies and thugs will be handcuffed, charged, and billed for being threa

ss, they are better in mobility than the ones being

ression, thereby, they dwell permanently in a partic

inute warmth from the fire barrels heated by the homeless while I list

ings on the wall by the graffitists, watch the dancers do their thing, and final

sk my real name since they ca

in high school. I walked down this path not mindin

foul-mouthed male classmates. I'd lay on the school ro

y seemed to be playing football and ran behind time. I knew t

hen everyone says you fly home?" Jo

are broken," ad

rovide her w

and laughing to

can bully me, but because I hate their accompany and I was at th

ng the Dark-rays?"

with her?" the

e is a cra

basement. I had no idea what to expect b

e name entitled. it was a clear and normal route except

an meeting a pack of real wolves. Their existence didn'

my predators in corners. They kept glaring at me as I pass eac

has to stop me someday, I knew, and I have been prepared and unafraid

b huh," h

must be stupid because I have used this lane for weeks. A comment?? I'd be o

or I voiced nothing. He needed to understand my muteness wasn't fear but o

y way." I

ooks sixty. That is what drugs do to any accustomed body. His sup

trail for passe

t or not. So go and tell others that I will pass by tomorrow

rip, he spread his arms and turned around to face h

housands on you, Lamb," he patted my h

no idea of what he meant by his statements. I stared a

mirk asked his audience and they

heir what??

every atom of alcohol and heroin he has consumed in yea

chucked a few seconds ago. The faces o

rid of traces of laughter. Well, I don't care. Th

aid, taking my fa

y face and all I could see was a provo

hatever he planned on executing wa

d, everyone but myself vanished like vapor. I only was lucky to

ghts shining into my pupils. Two cops aligh

the air yo

partially lifting my

Smirk and his packs. I didn't know what they want from me but

g into his walkie-talkie while the f

ter confirming I was just a sch

from their headlights. She came closer to me, staring at me with concern. Her st

your name


level of her uniform and s

na?" she asked further but this t

ing h

the male cop who is no

me with the schoo

figure out his name. Maurey scoffed and

D card Susana??"

being interrogate

ID Ma'am, that s

brought my ID out of my school bag. She t

elay ma'am. I just wa

uniform not enough proof?" I to

cupy here that you wouldn't like to e

raid." I cor

young girl like me. She advised I always take the major road down to our Bl

ep friends,"

es, came closer and asked if I me

.. I asked him in return whose

ve of you. But if you ever feel afraid of anything or anyone, you

ll you if I see any g

but I would prefer if y


few digits on it. It is hard to see

his is my private number.

have her phone number. I don't like

and you can always c

ough he has been skeptical with his

Offered James twisting his neck to their c

s, I rath

know I wouldn't stay off this route the moment I dis

ir. Instead of seeing the death and curious eyes of the

overed the walls with paintings of me and the cops. They did

why I was painted there when I saw a shadow indi

gress Lamb," announc

happily and began to hail in

g confidently with his rotten de

?" He asked and I am


ll have a beef with him and asking question

of smoke. I eyed him and took it. I know how t

e inhale a long depth of smoke from the

g. You, the cops,

o the roof. We saw you

tted no

nyone seen on this Dark-rays

u a cri

ghed at m

me about the Dark-rays. Smirk has sworn to

e happens to call to him. No footprints walk the rou

eing seen in this basement," I said when

w. Welcome to t

n't change the fact that I hated the crimin

s they are happy criminals. I am not a Sain

rehend this family of mine, I k

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