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Word Count: 2043    |    Released on: 07/07/2023




of it but its purpose as a new day. Everyone expects me to rise

ut I am in the family and neighborhood where my future has been

t, it is the only factual thing about us. My billionaire father

s. If my family is either the definition of a

and wish to do but don't know how to and want to,

erupts in me. I am not the reputable billionaire b

he some real oxygen. I put on this satisfied look like my mother's m

her a philanthropist, wins all the hearts across the country and my mother, the exuber

ty to maintain a billionaire home;

oud smiles on my parent's faces when they are

ut I defeated ill predictions and all people could

id the

orld and my mother whose priority is to utilize every second of her time

d hair, her stylist is very dedicated. She has th

r friends. They could sit down on those couches as long as the sun is still, losing their

loped the habit of driving around the city until sunset. Sometimes, I s

tion, I get to see people's lives in great detail. I enjoyed the view until one day, a grou

've been bearable if there wasn't been any involvement of the media, installment of their cameras and broa

I haven't felt the sun in a long time, I crav


e kitchen as I came

on with housekeepers except evenings she promotes the gatherings of her fellow housewives.


lour and margarine couldn't enable her initiate a hug. I walked closer a

her arms all spread for a hug. Years ago, I found this gesture calming my

Although I don't enjoy her nightingale voice calling out to me anymore, I'd


ive. May I w

to the content i

ling to spare s


some eggs in a transparent


s Patrick. This won't

es is a lo

ht, i

r some seconds and turned to stare

ook dif


a soothsayer, that she has something on her neck. I won't ask

better remain unspoken. Then, she paused her cooking

f you leaving for th

rse, h

o further my education after multiple failu

't need to put any effort into passing my exam

ttle boy never sits for the exams in the

They are too busy to figure that exams can be written at home and I am too smart not to have made

move out of the country. I should have known why she stopped

t scared to stand alone on this, but she should have decided a be

was bored of

ster with them. You can't s

n dec

. But it is not a

des for me a

t is the be

to think your decisions are best for


t? What is best for

which will not aid your futu

hould let me think a

n thinking fo


ded for me. What now?


ou guys decide I s

ot be

o press my buttons? You think i


, I will just d

milk in the refrigerator. I may be upset but I won't ignore my

nything to tal

to know before purcha

I care,

my visa is tr


ed. I can't believe this. I merely mentioned the visa th

eaving in

nd yes, you can auction my visa if that is even possible a

o heated between mum and I. I do not like havin

at the moment. Talking about being suffocated is tru

the giver and the owner of my life. She wasn't that way be

ent about whether I should go to a private university somewhere in the country, majore

who doesn't want my association with the ordinar

the winner of any argument. They both lost when I must sit for both exams and have me enroll

veryone is considered rich. Having gone to a massi

me and so mingling was a choice. I grad

d to be anything, It is to be everything or nothing. I listened to st

e but theirs is because they are mad

ed cereals on the table and retired to the bed. I opted

ing rough and it is tougher to be oneself or discover one's potenti

ith any student again. I know furthering my education is the best key to unlocking

elf-company is enough. All I will do at the moment is shut all doors ag

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