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Sophie's Effect

Chapter 4 Fourth Chapter

Word Count: 1415    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

could not stop thinking about her, she was all he thought of, morning, noon, and night. It was crazy. There was always sexual tens

cted, he bounded down the stairs to

t was the best thing since technology. "Hope you're hungry? Food's availa

ma made him think of the day he first met Sophia. That Monday morning many years

re you trying to

so goddamn beautiful, "I don't need to try, I'm already there"

s flashed through his mind. They were alone in the house, he could have her,

kes you

r you, and the eyes

him that. "So my eyes tol

himself enchanted. "The eyes don't ta

p abruptly and


r two weeks now, he best wrapped things up and return to

e were supposed

a said, shrugging. "Ne

es this have anything to do

st been so many years, I think

to move, gat some unfini

to Hadiraf, a

tal with you please, I'll


Crystal were greeted with banners and posters everywhere all asking the same question, "WHERE'S SOPHIA MATTHEW

e really special and influ

d Rowland Matthews, born a twin but her mom left town with the othe

er sister? With all this money s

told her and no one else did. I know because my dad told me. We're her

sely furnished yet homely house and sighed inwardly. It all smelt of memories and it made her eyes

sitting room and embraced

l!" She said, her voice

all interested in the conversation. "Mo

rprised her. "You do look somewhat familiar...you must be

iana protested. "She

, "okay, shoo, go get me your friends, Hilda and Davida pa


e was however no answer. He knocked a couple of times more and S

u want?" Sh

can you let me d

head in the negative. "No, now i

ia, just a l

but she quickly closed it and turned to face him, wrapping her arms around her, looki

he heat of the moment, but I truly love you Sophia. I love you with everything in me, I love you in

up with such romantic words. Suddenly, everything around her was swaying and her brain was tellin

x from his pocket and opened it revealing a beautiful diamond r


ross it and a deck. The night was beautiful and a gentle breeze was blowing, playing with

said, "being here with you, si

rizon."I can never love you Crystal, my heart belongs to s

gesting this piece of information th

turned to look at her sharply

ed, a dashing smile and $2000 up for grabs if only she could make a man fall in lov

though", she chuckled nervously at this feeble attempt at a joke, "don't know

u Crys...Jasmine, what

first. Can you take me t

ana demanded, gradua

n we get there I

ide it and he could not help but marvel at how well Sophia had done over the years even with her writer

other's name is Mirabel Matthews. I'm

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