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The Rejected Alpha Gold digger

The Rejected Alpha Gold digger

Misty Green


Princess Leo's father's corpse is lying in the mortuary while his Alpha gold digger husband is trying to marry her by all means in order to inherit the throne andthe community oil well all by themselves.Hanky-panky the community that they are going to build a nice hospital, conniving with some corrupt elders to torment the rightful royal family because the princess refuses to marry him. Unknowing to them that the princess knows all their plans. Those two are up to something, there is more to the story, will princess Leo finally agree to marry him? Or did the two friends inherit the community oil well or the throne??

Chapter 1 The Unwelcomed Proposal

"Leo," Her mothers piercing, uncompromising voice cut through the quiet Palace hall." We need to have a conversation."

The command in her mothers voice made Leo stop dead in her tracks her heart sinking. This was the moment she had expected. The weight of the royal crown which was not yet hers was pressing down on her and she could feel it-the air was heavy with inevitable.

The conversations about what lay ahead had already started even though her fathers body was still cold in the mortuary. Leo had never desired the future.

She looked at Queen Aurelia, the woman who had always controlled the Packs power but she didn't answer. Once tender and full of love the queens face now appeared hard and nearly unrecognizable-framed by something other than grief of course.

Leo's mother didn't wait for her to speak. With her gaze fixed on her daughters face she took a step closer.

"Leo, the kingdom is in disarray. We are in a difficult situation because of your fathers passing. This is something you are aware of. You alone are capable of leading us now that your brother is too young to assume the throne. Charles must be your spouse."

When Charles was mentioned, Leo's chest constricted. She yelled," I will not marry him" in spite of the raging emotional storm inside of her. "I know what he wants you know. Power is at issue here not love."

For a brief moment, Queen Aurelias face wavered. She was a mother second and a queen first and Leo knew her well enough to know that she had already made up her mind.

Despite the underlying tension, her mothers voice remained steady as she said "You don't have a choice Leo. Stability is necessary for the kingdom. And only Charles is able to supply that. We will be able to survive thanks to his wealth and influence. The throne will be safeguarded."

As she experienced a surge of rage and powerlessness, Leo's breath caught in her throat. She had always thought she could continue her fathers legacy of just and gracious rule.

She was being choked by her mothers insistence on Charles though. Knowing his true intentions she was unable to accept him as her husband.

Leo spat out," I will not be used as a pawn her words piercing their relationship. You cannot make me wed someone I hate."

Prior to her mothers reply, the chambers doors flew open further upending Leo's world. Charles's tall commanding presence filled the doorway as he stood there.

Even though Jude Charles constant advisor was hardly visible behind him, Leo could sense the icy calculating aura that both men exuded. Charles grinned as his pointed teeth gleamed in the dim light.

His voice was as smooth as silk as he said,"Good evening, Princess"... but beneath it was a dark avaricious undertone. We seem to be having a family conversation.

Leo's instincts were telling her to get out of there before things got worse and her heart was pounding. Her feet however were cemented to the ground.

"Leo," her mother said her tone a little softer now but with a hint of annoyance." Now is not the moment to act disobediently. A decision cannot be delayed any longer by the kingdom. For years Charles has been your fathers ally. We cant risk losing him right now."

She felt her spine tingle as Charles's intense gaze fixed itself on Leo. He advanced slowly while maintaining a commanding stance.

" Your Highness," he remarked his tone lightly mocking," Not only your mother thinks we ought to get married. It is the kingdoms best course of action. Together Leo we can rule. All of your desires can be fulfilled by me."

At her sides, Leos fingers balled into fists."What you have to offer is not something I want. For me wealth and power are irrelevant. Charles I'll never wed you. You don't want my heart you want the throne and the oil well."

Although a smile formed on Charles lips, it was cold and dark and lacked charm. He said in a threatening tone," You think this is about your heart Leo?. It has to do with surviving. Your kingdoms survival. Your dad has an oil well. Your future. You will either lose everything if you dont marry me."

In her throat Leos breath caught. Each of his words reverberated in her mind twisting in her chest like a dagger. Although she was aware of Charless greed it was a whole new level of clarity to hear it expressed.

He only cared about what he could get out of her she wasnt important to him. Leo shot back,"You dont know anything about survival" her voice steady even as she felt a wave of panic rise within her. "The kingdom will be destroyed if you marry despite your belief that it will be saved. You are only concerned with what you can steal from us. The throne must be taken from my lifeless icy hands if you wish to keep it Charles."

Leo and Charles were separated by Queen Aurelia whose face contorted into an unreadable expression. For a brief moment, Leo could see the fatigue behind her mothers eyes as her voice broke

"Enough! Leo I'm asking you as a daughter. You have the power to shape this kingdoms future. Everything we own will be lost if you don't. Right now Charles is our only line of defense."

Her heart broke in two for Leo. Yes, the kingdom needed help but not from Charles. Not from someone who was only interested in gaining power.

Her thoughts were racing as she turned her back on her mother. The decision was oppressively heavy. There was no shortcut no route without repercussions. Everything was on the line: the kingdom her fathers life and the legacy of her family.

With a voice full of emotion Leo muttered,"Mother, I will not be a puppet in his game. I say no."

Once more, Charles moved forward this time with intention. As he talked his voice oozed a fake sweetness and his eyes glistened with an almost predatory hunger.

"Leo you don't understand. Let me clarify: You believe you have a choice? You believe you can turn me down?" He moved a step closer. "Either you wed me or your kingdom will collapse. You lose your hold on your throne."

Leo had a lot on his mind. In some perverse way she was aware that what he was saying was accurate. The kingdoms instability would cause it to fall apart if she didn't. Then as though her mind had called him Jude emerged from the darkness with a sheet of paper in his hand.

His face was serious as though he was bearing a burdensome reality." I have something for you"

Jude said in a high-pitched voice. Leo felt his heart pound." And what was that?"

With his hands shaking a little Jude extended the letter to Leo. "This is something you must see."

She took the paper from him her fingers grazing it as Leo reached for it. Was it a threat or a royal decree? Her body was on high alert as her mind raced. Her fathers seal the royal insignia and the kingdoms seal appeared as she unfolded the letter.

However the next thing she read chilled her to the bone. She read aloud Leo her voice shaking as the thought occurred to her." This is a royal order. My father has given me the order."

She halted gasping for air." It states that the kingdom will be sanctioned if I decline to marry Charles. The coalitions will fall apart. Our wealth will be depleted. The populace will rebel against us. The crown. Someone else will succeed to the throne."

With his smile growing Charless voice interrupted. "You see Leo? There's nothing you can do. A capable leader is required for the kingdom. And I am that leader. Your refusal will only lead to disaster."

With a sinking heart, Leo stood there. She had believed that she was capable of fighting that she could somehow resist. But the reality was right in front of her.

In addition to costing her her refusal would cost her everything she had ever known." I.... This is shocking" Leo muttered. Heartbroken she gazed up at her mother." Would you allow this to occur? Allow this man to rob us of everything?"

Queen Aurelias expression softened and sorrow filled her eyes." I'm acting in the kingdoms best interests Leo. You'll understand eventually. Its the only option but I never wanted this for you."

Leo's eyes filled with tears but she wiped them away with rage." No. I refuse to participate in this. This wont cause me to lose everything."

Jude took another step forward with a blank expression on his face." It's more than just losing everything. The goal is to preserve whats left. Leo this is the only option."

Charles gave a soft laugh." Leo you lack the fortitude to say no. You and I both own the throne."

Leo gazed at each of them her world whirling her heart heavy. There was nothing to do. There is no escape. Without Charles assistance the kingdom would fall. She could either give in to him or watch as everything fell apart.

Leo muttered," I'll do it with hardly a sound in her voice. I will wed you"

Charles grinned broadly his eyes full of victory. He had prevailed. On the inside however Leo knew she wouldn't,it was going to be over her dead, limp body and that was it .

Leo turned to face him,"But first,I need to read the content of my father's letter"

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