After finding out that her husband had cheated on her, she decided to leave him and start a new life, three years later, she has returned and no longer the submissive wife, she has come to take her kids but what she didn't expect was the unfortunate turn of event that whisked her into the life of drama, revenge, list, betrayal and heartache.
Sophia Miller's pov
"No! This can't be happening" tears rolled out of my eyes as soon as my eyes rested on the images displayed on the screen of my phone.
That can't be Lucas, no! my supposed husband in an embrace of another woman, on an intimate position on a bed.
The woman who I happened to know, Lucas' best friend and ex-girlfriend, a supermodel and very good at what she does, she was well known. Who wouldn't know the face of Ava Johnson, the most popular supermodel in all of LA, with her nose piercing which was clearly highlighted in the picture.
Ava was a beautiful woman with a sculpted figure and her glossy complexion which makes her standout in a group of models.
I sniffed and shut my eyes as I bit my lips. I felt a mixture of anger and pain surging all over my body. I can't believe Lucas would do this to me after everything we have been through together.
When I had at first received the package, I thought Lucas had gotten a surprise for our anniversary but I was wrong. No, he really did give me a surprise, a shocking surprise.
There were lots of pictures in the envelope, which had requested that I open my mail. There was no doubt that it was Lucas, this was the clothes he had on this morning before he left.
Thank God that I had the decency to put the kids to sleep before opening my mail, not as if I knew what it contained.
Even with my eyes shut, the tears just keep pouring out, I hope that my sobs are not loud enough to wake the kids up.
I held my hand over my mouth, I couldn't stop myself from crying, all I could do was cry my heart out, Lucas had really broken me.
I had given Lucas everything but this is the way he chose to pay me, with humiliation and pain, I wished I had never met him.
I cried for a long time. Until my eyes become puffy and red and my throat was sore.
I sat calmly, waiting for Lucas' return, he doesn't return early anymore. I should have known this was his reason for his late arrival every day but I had trusted him so much that I never thought of it.
I glanced at the clock, it was midnight already and he is still not yet home. He has been doing this a lot lately and I am sure that it's because he is busy sleeping with other women that he doesn't care for me and my kids.
I was going to wait for him. I was going to sit in the living room and wait for him to come back and I was going to make a demand for an explanation.
I heard the rumbling of an engine which no doubt belonged to Lucas, I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was some minutes past two am.
Where would he say he was coming from? He was going to spit another lie to fool me again. That wouldn't happen any more, I am no longer the naive blinded woman he had married.
I waited for him as he noisily entered the living room and banged the door shut. He might be walking in steady steps, but I know that he is drunk.
I turned around and my heart skipped a beat as my eyes rested on Lucas. This man wasn't the person I had gotten married to, Lucas was a perfect definition of cold outside and soft inside and that was part of the reason I fell for him.
"Sophie?" My name rolled out his mouth with little or no effort.
"What are you still doing awake? I thought you would be asleep by now?" He asked.
I don't know if he is asking because he cares about me or because he is startled to find me awake.
As I looked at him, the images of him and Ava kept playing in my head.
"Why?" I asked in a tear ladened voice.
He threw a confused look at me, like I have grown three heads. He dipped his hands into his pockets and sighed.
"Why what?" He questioned, like he wasn't aware of what I was asking him.
"Why what? You want to know huh? I am talking about this. " I tossed my phone at him and he grabbed it very quickly just before it reached the ground.
He looked at me and sighed before going through my phone. My heart fell further when I saw that there was no expression of remorse on his face even after I was sure he had seen the picture.
He scrolled through the pictures then looked up at me and shoved the phone into his pocket.
"Go to sleep, Soph" he said gently, in a condescending tone like he was talking to a child.
"You don't know what you are talking about, perhaps all you are saying could be due to your lack of sleep" And with that, he walked towards the kitchen.
Does Lucas think I am an idiot?
I just showed him the images that proved that he is cheating on me and he is going to act like it is something normal? He is acting like I am overreacting to the whole thing. This was what he always did, when matters arose, he always talked to me like he was talking to a child.
I stormed after him and I caught up with him when he was by the refrigerator, taking a glass of water.
"You had sex with someone else!" I yelled at him.
"Are you going to pretend like you haven't done anything wrong even when you have just cheated on me?" I said angrily, even from my tone I am sure he could detect how angry I am.
"For Christ's sake, I have spent the entire day buried in paperwork and all I am asking for is some peace and quiet and some rest. I know you don't understand what it's like to spend the whole day buried in work, since all you do is eat, wake up, shop and sleep all day" He yelled at me then poured himself another glass of water.
"Is it my fault that I always stayed at home? Staying at home is my offense huh?" I yelled while crying.
I was pissed, I get it. I didn't come from a rich background, my family have nothing to their name unlike Lucas whose father was the former CEO of the Hernandez Enterprise, it has always been passed down to each generation and now, it was Lucas turn.
He dropped the glass and walked past me, but my anger got the better of me.
I grabbed him by his suit and hit him across the chest. I hit him the hardest that I could, I wanted him to feel the amount of pain I was going through but he didn't even flinch. I wanted to cause him pain, but he wasn't reacting to it.
He looked at me with a tired and bored look and shook his head.
"Go to bed right now Sophia," He yelled at me. "You are becoming a nuisance right now"
Oh, and that bursts what was left of my self-control. I slapped him across the face, even though he was much taller than me, I managed to hit him just right across his face.
He looked at me with anger clearly written on his face. I can see the angry side of him rising, but I was not scared. He could not scare me.
'Did you just hit me?" he yelled, the veins on his neck tweaking.
I hit him again on his face again, if he was having a doubt at first, it should be confirmed now. I was planning to hit him yet again if not for the fact that he catches my hand mid-air and binds them behind my back, restricting me from moving.
I was still raging, I raised my left hand and hit him yet again and that's the last of it that he could take. He turned around and grabbed my hand and hugged me as tight as he could without hurting me as he gritted his teeth to control his anger.
I was standing on my toes and I was finding it hard to breathe. I was trying to breathe too hard as my weak hands tried to beat their way out of his grip, but it's not working.
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Chapter 31
Chapter 32 Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Chapter 36
Chapter 37 Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Chapter 38
Chapter 39 Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Chapter 40
Other books by Laeti G.