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Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid

Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid

Ideaink Six Cats


The Alpha continued," I need you to work here in my house as a maid and try to...seduce my son. Lest I forget, he has a girlfriend, Lydia who is going to be mated to him in full moon, six months from now. You must seduce my son within the space of six months and get pregnant for him. In exchange, your brother would be given a respectable position and you will get the life you want. " --- Alyssa must get pregnant for the Alpha's son in half a year to be allowed to stay in the pack. Although she feels most reluctant to trade herself, she and her younger brother need a shelter from the terrible attacks they had once endured as outcasts. However, will she be strong enough to bear the pain of witnessing the Alpha's son mating with his girlfriend, after finding out he is her one and only mate? Author: Bridget Copyright: Ideaink Six Cats

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1

Alyssa couldn't help but feel giddy with excitement. **Of all the packs, Blood Moon had decided to take her and her brother in. I**t still felt surreal to her. **She had always fantasized about getting mated to someone from the Blood Moon pack**. They were known for their strength, pride and skills. She had thought she and her brother would die as rogue outcasts until that very morning when she and her brother's presence were requested at Alpha Larole's abode.

Alpha Larole by his title, was the current Alpha of Blood Moon.

She took in his office where she was made to wait. All black with the finest furniture, and alluring designs. She caught sight of the CCTV and screwed her mouth. What could be the reason he wanted to see her personally?

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of the door and in came Alpha Larole. She hastily got on her feet and bowed her head.


"Do have your seat please"

Allysa was touched by his politeness. This was the first time she was seeing the Alpha of Blood

Moon up close and she was taken aback by how young the Lycan was, despite being aged. She never pictured him to be so warm, she had pictured him to have murderous eyes. He was different in person, which meant the rumors were false.

"You must be tired," He said, pouring them both coffee. "You can use the cream, I like my coffee bitter."

"Thank you, Alpha"

She added enough cream and took a sip. She closed her eyes and savored the bitter-sweet taste on her tongue. She couldn't remember the last time she had taken coffee.

"So you're a rogue outcast, yeah. You and the boy"

She gave a small smile, "Yes"

Alpha Larole nodded in understanding "Is he your friend?"

"He's my brother, Alpha. His name is Ethan"

"I know your names already. I bet you must be wondering why you're here."

Not only was she wondering about that, but she was also wondering how he knew their names.

He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair to take in her appearance. A beautiful one. "You and your brother have joined us today. You're a member of our pack now. **I heard you were a talented fighter in your former pack and also a rebel."**

She blushed.

"Your brother, I hear, is strong but not like you. Well with training you both will be strong and also be able to fight for anyone within your pack and protect them. That's what we do here. You'll be fed and cared for but then...you know such offers have a price tag." He smirked.

Alyssa arched her brow, a thing she always did whenever she was confused about something.

"A price tag?"

"Yes," Alpha Larole affirmed, placing some documents on the table. Alyssa's eyes flickered to it.

"What's the price?" She boldly asked, knowing she had nothing to offer. Or did he want to have sex with her? What a scum!

Alpha Larole locked eyes with her

"I know everything. How you and your brother were bullied and kicked out of your pack. And I also know your deepest desire is for your brother to be in a noble position and for you to live a peaceful life, so you can earn your respect again"

Fear gripped Alyssa. How did he know all about this? Could he read minds? Or had Ethan ratted them out? That punk!

"I can give you all of that, but in return what is the price you're willing to pay for it?"

It was a tricky question.

Alyssa thought for a while. There was absolutely nothing she could give to Larole that he didn't have. The real question was what did he want? "Alpha, I'm afraid I can't pay for it. I have no money, the only thing I can afford is to do whatever you want me to do"

"Are you sure about that?" It almost became too suspicious.

But she nodded, "Most certainly." She wouldn't want to die a rogue and the thought of it dreaded her.

With that, he pushed the document to her, "I have a contract for you. My son Ace has grown already and is about to be mated in six months."

She was confused. What did that have to do with her? She wondered.

He continued," I need you to work here in my house as a maid and try to... seduce him. Lest I forget, he has a girlfriend, Lydia who is going to be mated to him in full moon, six months from now. **You must seduce my son within the space of six months and get pregnant for him.** In exchange, your brother would be given a respectable position and you will get the life you want. Fin"

Alyssa took in his words with shock, "Alpha, if I may ask, why do you want me to seduce him and get pregnant for him when he'll be mated in six months? What if he rejects the baby?"

"I have my reasons. After that, you will leave, and no one will know you're the mother."

Alyssa fell in silence for a while, aghast. The contract felt more like surrogacy. She asked again, "What if he rejects the baby?"

Alpha Larole smiled, he loved her intelligence. "You could leave that to me to worry."

"Before the contract is over you'll get to know why. Nobody must know about this, not even your brother. It's our secret. If you agree, sign the contract."

After giving it many thoughts and consideration, Alyssa decided she would sign the contract. What did she have to lose anyway? She took the pen from Alpha Larose and signed where necessary, "We have a deal."

Alyssa listened as Alpha Larole gave out the restrictions and told her everything necessary.

"You need to know that Ace is a tough one. He has his walls built up so high and does not let his guard down. He gets irked easily so try not to do too much. He's a stern man and would not tolerate any sluggishness. Also, he's very strict with business, be warned. He doesn't let anyone come near his things except Lydia, His girlfriend."

"As you work here, try to capture his attention. Make him crave you. Always keep in mind he gets irked effortlessly and you wouldn't want to lose your job because that would mean no pack for your brother and you. You will be looked down upon and treated as a rogue outcast once again. Remember, you're here on a mission " He concluded.

Alyssa's inner wolf purred. Why did something about this soon-to-be Alpha intrigue her? Perhaps it was the definition of him, but a part of her was curious to know more. It was going to be difficult to live in solitude when her wolf was yearning to know Ace.

But on second thought, she wouldn't want to cross paths with this god of a wolf.

Alpha Larole watched her intently, trying to ensure he wasn't making a mistake offering her this contract.

" All through your stay here, you're not allowed to drug Ace. You have to put your feminine skills to work and get Ace to have sex with you. Ensure its outcome is you conceiving for him. That is your only goal, do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha. Pardon me, but I can not guarantee you that it would result in me getting pregnant in just the space of six months. It's a risky one, Alpha, even If you promise that my brother, Ethan, would get a noble position and will be safe here. But, I will try my best to abide by the rules and see to it that I get pregnant. Hopefully, the blessings of the moon goddess are with me."

He smirked, what a smart and sly girl. But in all, he was pleased. He was sure she would get the job done.

"Your progress would decide you and your brother's destiny Alyssa. I would give you credit for anything you succeed at, but remember if you fail or tell this to anyone, I will kill you and make your brother's life miserable till death."

She bowed, hit by the ruthlessness revealed in his words. "I understand."

Haven said all that was to say, Alpha Larole called for Lydia, who was said to be Ace's girlfriend "Please dear child, show her her room which she would be sleeping in. She's the new maid. Also, guide her on the things she has to do. You know how much I hate mistakes"

"Yes, Alpha," She said, glancing at Alyssa "Grab your things and come with me"

Alyssa admired Lydia. She was a pretty maiden with beautiful silky hair and warm eyes. She had an air of grace and elegance and was dressed like princesses from those books she read about.

She carried her cumbersome box and walked behind Lydia who was leading her out of Alpha Larole's office. She was so weak to the knees that she was afraid her legs would give way.

"The walls have eyes Alyssa" The Alpha drawled just when she was about to leave with Lydia, halting her steps. "Every part of this house is full of eyes, which means you're being watched. Those eyes that you can't hide from" He whispered, "One wrong move, you know what happens. D-E-A-T-H"

She suddenly went cold to the bone. She could do it, just six months, six months and she's done. She had to do this for her. For Ethan.

She smiled, "A contract is a contract Alpha"

As Alyssa followed Lydia down the dimly lit passage, Larole's words lingered in her mind. What eyes was he talking about? Probably he was trying to scare her, but no, Alpha Larole wasn't someone who played games. Her eyes flickered around the passage. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

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