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I'm tired changing you all( the demon is back

I'm tired changing you all( the demon is back



"Prologue "Author P.O.V." "WHAT THE AT WHY ARE YOU ONLY COMING NOW, BITCH," his mom shouted at him, causing him to just bow his head and remain silent. "Maybe she's flirting again, mommy tsk," his brother said. "W-we were just doing an activity with my classmate, mommy," the girl stuttered, scared. Pack... His mom silenced him with a sharp look, making him bow his head and cry silently. "Never, ever call me mommy again because I don't have a flirtatious daughter," his mom said emphatically, with a threat, so he just nodded. Suddenly, the door opened, so they turned to it, and their adopted family member entered, the reason why his family disliked her so much, with disheveled hair and a cut lip, so his family approached her. "fvck what happened princess/baby sis/sis/baby princess," his brothers said worriedly. "Oh my god, what happened to your face, princess," his mom said worriedly, so she just bowed her head with envy. "Who did that to you, princess?" his dad, who had just arrived, said angrily and worriedly. "That bitch made it up, mommy, daddy, brothers," she pretended to cry, so they all looked at her with anger, so she just bowed her head again. "fvck, what did you do to that bitch?" his dad said angrily, so he felt slightly nervous. "I-I didn't d-do anything to her, dad," he stuttered nervously. "Don't you dare call me dad because I don't have a daughter who always chases and bitches," his dad said angrily, making him whimper. "Are you saying our princess is lying?" one of his brothers said angrily. "She's always lying; she just made up a story," he said. Pack. He was slapped again, and when he looked at the one who did it, his world seemed to collapse because it was his dad. "You have no right to talk to her like that," his dad said angrily, so he looked at him with cold, emotionless eyes, making his family feel nervous as they couldn't understand the reason. "DAMN YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TIRED OF TAKING ALL AND BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH YOU ALL HURT ME AND YOU ALL BACK THE SLEEPING DEMON INSIDE OF ME NOW WELCOME TO MY OLD SELF," he said with a smirk and a cold tone, making his family nervous because they knew what he was talking about. While his family was shocked, he went up to his room and packed because he was leaving the next day. "welcome back self," he whispered to himself and went to sleep.

Chapter 1 Part 1


**"Author P.O.V."**

*The Next Day*

The young woman woke up because of the sunlight, and she went through her morning routine. Afterward, she headed downstairs with her belongings, and as she descended, she heard her family's laughter, which irritated her. She continued walking without acknowledging them, but her mother quickly noticed her.

"Dear, come eat," her mother said with a smile, so she turned to look at her coldly.

"I'm not hungry," she said coldly and emotionlessly, causing her mother's smile to fade and be replaced by a sad one, but she didn't care about it.

"Lils-" her brother was about to say something when she interrupted.

"I'm leaving," she said coldly, still looking at her suitcase.

"Where are you going, dear?" her mother asked in confusion.

"To the mansion," she replied curtly and coldly.

"Huh, whose mansion, sis?" her other brother asked in surprise, so she just ignored him.

"Tsk. Can you please stop calling me that? It's disgusting," she said coldly, looking at Saad and her family members with disdain and disgust because what they feel is pain.

"Princes-" her eldest brother didn't finish what he was saying as she cut him off.

"Shut up," she said firmly and coldly, then continued walking, but someone grabbed her waist, so she didn't hesitate to punch whoever was holding her.

When she looked, she saw her closest brother, who always protected her, so she felt guilty for hitting him.

"Are you okay?" she asked him with concern.

"I'm okay, baby princess," her brother said with a smile, so she smiled back at him faintly.

"I'm leaving now, brother, I might be late for my flight," she said with a slightly cold tone, causing her brother to stand up.

"I'll come with you, baby princess," her brother said with a smile, so she nodded in response, and her brother happily ran to his room, making her chuckle softly.

"Princess, where are you going and what flight?" her father asked in confusion.

So, her smile disappeared immediately, replaced by a cold and emotionless expression, causing her family to feel sad.

"Tsk," she said curtly, but her cold demeanor remained.

Her eldest brother was about to speak, but her other brother came down, so she stood up.

"Let's go, little sister," her brother said with a smile, so she just nodded.

And they started walking. She heard her family calling out to her, but they ignored them.


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