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Bound To The Dominant Alpha

Bound To The Dominant Alpha

Jeremiah Akpelu


Ashwin is a power driven Alpha who does not believe in love or the werewolf mate bond. So he sets out to marry a female alpha, Fellrath, for power but then he sees his mate at his wedding and refuses to continue the wedding. Then his brother betrays him. Fellrath gets frantic and swears to destroy him and his mate. With the help of the council of Alphas, Fellrath keeps going after Alpha Ashwin and his love, Pettway. But with each attempt, they fall deeper in love and develop a stronger attachment for one another. Will their unwanted bond be able to survive all the powerful people protesting it?

Chapter 1 Blood Wedding

Ashwin Sorenson, alpha of the Southside Pack, walked down the aisle towards the altar with everyone in attendance looking at him in admiration and reverence. It was his wedding day but this was not a wedding of Love or even that of the overwhelming werewolf mate bond. It was a wedding of convenience and greed and power.

Ashwin was a 6.4 broad shouldered mountain whose reputation was as vicious as a physique yet he was as handsome as the sun setting in the west. He wore a white suit and his best man who followed behind him was his brother in a black suit.

Ashwin and his brother got up to the altar and soon the Bride waltzed in, in her marvellous pink wedding gown. The bride, of course, was Fellrath Plunge; the alpha of the Northside pack. She was a devious powerful alpha whose strength and dominion was only surpassed by Alpha Ashwin's.

So it was safe to see that this was the wedding of the century amongst werewolves.

Alpha Fellrath was followed in by four bridesmaids who stood behind her when she got to the altar. The two alphas looked straight into each other's eyes without the sparks of marriage floating in the air. None of them were even smiling.

Alpha Ashwin did not believe in love and he saw the mate bond as weakening. He'd rather pursue power and that was exactly what he was doing. Alpha Fellrath on the other hand lost her mate years ago and has since had her eye on Ashwin.

The priest who was an elder in Alpha Ashwin's pack began blessing the Union when Ashwin saw someone walk into the church from the side of his eye. He turned in that direction and saw the most beautiful lady he had ever seen. A redhead.

Ashwin felt a strong pull towards her and could not seem to take his eyes off of her.

“Alpha Ashwin,” the priest called his attention.

He turned to the priest, snapping out of his own thoughts as he asked “yes?”

“I said, do you take Alpha Fellrath Plunge to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The priest asked.

“I uh–” Alpha Ashwin spoke as though he was confused.

He was so sure of getting married up until that point. He looked at the red-headed woman again and he had fallen in love with her that instant. He had a weird feeling surging through him and knew that the redhead was his mate.

“No!” He answered the priest coldly. “I do not!”

“What?” Alpha Fellrath expressed disdain and shock.

“I don't think I can do this.” Alpha Ashwin muttered he staggered back.

The crowd went nuts. There was a flood of murmurs pouring in. Alpha Fellrath took a step forward and held Alpha Ashwin by the arm, then leaned in and moved her lips to his right ear.

“What do you mean you can't do this? You asked for this. She whispered into his ears with an intense voice fuming with worry and vibrating with shame.

He didn't say anything. She pulled away a bit and looked into his eyes in which she saw the hint of calm red that had stained his greenish blue eyes. She scoffed. “The mate bond. Yours has been activated. You don't believe in love and the mate bond, Ashwin, remember? Point me to this mate of yours and I'll kill her where she stands so we can continue our wedding.”

Ashwin did not respond, he was back in his thoughts and overwhelmed by emotions. He just stood still like a petrified antelope in front of headlights.

“Where is she?” Fellrath shouted in his face but he did not respond.

She turned away from him and looked into the crowd. Her glance travelled till it landed on the redhead standing in the aisle with the same bedazzled expression on her face that Ashwin had on his.

“You!” She called in rage.

Fellrath took six steps away from the altar with her werewolf claws bulging from her fingers. She went with every intent to cut down the redhead where she stood but she stopped halfway when Ashwin grabbed her by the arm and threw her back to the altar.

His strength could not be matched by that of Fellrath; she fell like a leaf and crashed into the altar's concrete. Her bridesmaids and Ashwin's brother had fled from the altar.

“Really, Ashwin?” She stated as she stood up. “You would betray me for this low life omega!”

She was bitter and angry and embarrassed. “If you want to touch her , you'll have to go through me!” Ashwin growled, mounting himself in front of the redhead in all his manly and alpha vigour.

Do you know what this means, Ashwin ! You're declaring war! Fellrath huffed.

At her utterance, her bridesmaids and some members of her pack which were present assembled behind her, visibly taking over the entire altar.

And without flinching, Alpha Ashwin said “so shall it be.”

“All this for a woman who's name you don't even know!” Fellrath hissed.

Ashwin turned to the redhead behind him and asked with a gentle yet commanding tone, “what is your name, dear?”

“Um, Pettway, sir. Pettway Wintergreen.” She stuttered with the most soothing voice ever.

“Now I know her name!” Ashwin spoke aloud as he turned, only to see his brother standing right in front of him.

“Iddo?” He called his brother's name in confusion.

And before he could blink, his brother, Iddo, stabbed him in the torso with a silver dagger while muttering the words “for the pack,” in his ear as Ashwin gasped for breath. And Pettway who was behind him also did the same, she could feel the pain he felt.

Ashwin pushed him away with all the strength he had before Iddo could stab him again and soon saw some members of his pack side with Iddo.

“My own brother tries to kill me on my wedding day.” Ashwin spoke with his hand on the stab wound.

He was bleeding profusely. His guards had come to surround him. With him and his new found mate, Pettway, in the middle of the guards they began retreating.

“I would urge you all to leave Southside now because you wouldn't want to be here when I hunt.” Ashwin threatened as they left the church.

“Keep your pet hidden, Ashwin, cause I'm coming for her and you!” Fellrath spoke with revenge in her eyes.

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