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The Secret Male Wife

The Secret Male Wife



"Fuck it...They say the Mission is easy is easy..Why is there a mafia here..Why do I have to die Virgin..". "Hahaha..Agent Sam..Hurry up, maybe our lives will be saved..Agent Jam..What's the plan.. They're still following us..". "When I'm among the three Let's go our separate ways...You go downstairs and I will go in the rooftop...I have the suitcase so they will follow me if ever I can't come back right away..Call me that's different With us..Get it!.". "Okay! Okay!..As long as you don't die ahh..There is nothing good in our team when it happens..". When the three separated, Jam was the only one left who was being chased by the mafia when they reached the rooftop. Jam had no hope of escaping. "stop!..Put your hands above your head and don't move". Jam, still catching his breath from running, smiled sweetly before he faced the person who ordered him. "Ohh..My sweet husband, can you let me go again..". "Jammie...How many times do we have to do it?..Didn't I tell you not to accept a mission when the mafia is involved..What if another mafia boss is here and it's not me haha". "I'm sorry.. Promise, It won't happen again". "Haa..Here..Put this in your body before you jump to the other building..If I ever saw even One wound or scratch on your body..I swear-". "Okay..okay I understand..Alright bye'bye..". "Boss, Aren't we going to catch another of Sir.Jammie's Companions..". "No need..I will punish their Agent Jam later.. Let's go.."

Chapter 1 our members

Chapter 1




"Damn..What the hell Sam..You can sit on my head do you want my head to suddenly roll on the floor..".

"It's better Frank to reduce our members who have nothing else to do if they don't watch porn...I'm just wondering why someone like you who has nothing to do but laziness and kÄbāstusan becomes a secret agent...".

"Because of my skills Agent Sam..And then you stop making fun of me..Jam..Stop it Sam always bullies me..Because I never had fun..".

"What do you say, you're deaf...Come here..".

"You two have stopped...Let's eat..I cooked it...".

"Uyyy..It's delicious Jam..You're really good..".

"Wait a minute Frank.. Don't take it yet.. I'll paint it first.."

"What the hell Jam..Are you really that addicted to social media that you have to take a picture when you are eating, going out or even wearing it..".

When Jam heard Sam's complaint..He just shook his head..He didn't take a picture because he was active on social media but when he didn't update what was waiting for him in the picture he took, he realized that that person was going to come to him.

On the other hand, in the middle of the meeting of the big Mafia organizations in a serious conversation with the son of the former leader who leads the organization, so their family is always followed by all their influencers and they are looked up to by many.

Stevan Marchetti is the youngest brother and son of the Marchetti family..One of his father's successors in the management of the organization. He was nervous or afraid of their every move..Even the one reporting in front couldn't avoid stuttering because of his gaze.

But suddenly a cellphone notification rang that scared many. This is the very first rule when they are in a meeting no one should disturb anything especially the use of cellphone because of the time to break it.. Only Stevan Marchetti knows what punishment

So they immediately secretly checked each of their phones and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it wasn't their cellphone that rang.

But the person who implemented the rule did not hesitate to take his cell phone and open it to reply to the message he received, only then did the people in front of him realize that the cell phone that rang was Stevan's

"Hmm??..What are you looking for.. Continue the meeting".

Stevan said emphatically after he hung up his cellphone. So even though many people wanted to complain to him, they couldn't do it. They just continued to listen to the meeting.


Bang! Bang!

"Eyy..Nice One Jam!..I can see that the right shooter is improving..Look at all the headshots you hit.. Hahaha..Are you going to compete in the zombie apocalypse and you're only aiming for headshots".

When I heard Ms.Jane's praise...I took the headphones off my ears and faced her.

By the way, she is Jane Santos or better known as Ms. Jane because that is what we call her agents.

Ms.Jane is our head in the building, it is not obvious that she is an Agent Head because of her playful attitude, but she has a side that shows her being an Agent head when she is serious or when we are on a mission.

Except for the head agent, we have two groups divided into my team and Mark's team.. Ms. Jane made us both leaders to lead us whenever we embark on a mission. In my team, Sam and Frank became my first friends and I've known people here in the building since I entered as an agent.

The only difference between the work of Secret Agent and the police is that when it is necessary to spy or a serious criminal will be caught, we secret agents run to the police.. It is not because the Secret Agent underestimates the police but because the police are Their work has limitations that they cannot violate, unlike us, until we can catch the criminal, spy or get evidence and destroy the criminals, no one can stop us as long as there are no innocent people involved. Even if the government is supported by secret agents, how about that? also because of the secret agent, the number of criminals in the country is reduced.

The only thing that secret agents can't really deal with is the Mafia..

They are the most powerful organization in the country that even the government can't defeat them..So we just let them go as long as we don't delay or run away when we meet them because for sure...

Speaking of Mafia... Do I also need to paint this headshot record.. Hahahah.. Maybe not first.. He might think I'm sĂȘducĂŻng him.. just like what happened in the past.. I told him I can when he shot with the shotgun..And he found it sĂ«xy..That pĂȘrvĂȘrt man..I could hardly feel my hips anymore..

"Heyyy..Jam..The depth of your thoughts..Is there a problem".

"Nothing Ms.Jane..What brought you here..I know you almost don't want to come here and you can hear the gunshots".

"Ahh....Because there is a new mission..The problem is the case..I thought that only one team is needed and that is your team-".

"Mark didn't agree..".

I just remembered..Mark didn't like me..I don't know why maybe because it was unfair to him that even though I was a rookie before, I immediately became the leader of the team not like him who had been a secret agent for too long.

He always thinks that I'm always tripping over him or ignoring him even though I'm not..Haa.. Whatever..I have other goals that's why I ended up here so no matter how angry or angry he is with me, I just let him.

"Why don't you give it to him Ms.Jane..Mark is also good..He can handle it".

"Hehehe..He can't...Mark is so masculine...He can't pretend to be a woman on a mission".

When I heard what Ms.Jane said..I almost dropped the gun I was holding.

Pretend to be a Woman?!

No..I can't...I got mad at Stevan by chance..

Marchetti's Mansion

When a series of cars entered the Mansion after the Marchetti's youngest son had just finished attending the organization's meeting, before he got off he was opened by one of his bodyguards and greeted by one of the family's assistants.

"Goodeve..Sir Stevan".

"Uhm..Where's Dad?".

"It's in the garden of the Mansion Sir...".

"Okay..Tell him.. I'm here..I have something important to tell him".

"Okay sir...".

When the assistant ordered by Stevan left, he noticed another car parked in their garage. Stevan's cold and serious demeanor made his expression even darker.

"Tchh..So they are here..".

Marchetti Garden


"Hmm?..Ohh..Stevan...Sit down first...What do you want to say huh...How is your meeting.".

"It's Okay Dad..They can't even complain even if they are against it".

"Hahaha.. Right.. Especially when my son Stevan is in front of them.. By the way son what do you want to tell me..".

"It's about our organization too, Dad.. Next week there will be a party for the 20th birthday of the son of one of our targets.. Their family is very good at making weapons that we can use for illegal transactions with those we influence. or we can also use it for our own use..There are only two ways we can get the information about the process of making weapons..One, Let's convince them to side with our organization...The second option..Steal it theirs..".

"Hmm.. That's a good plan Stevan.. But.. It's impossible that they are making weapons that are all legal.. There is also a possibility that the police are also watching them.. Are you sure that we will not feel sorry if they agree to communicate with we are serious".

"No..We will be out of their problem if the police are waiting for their family.. However, if they sympathize with us...Before they even open their mouths...They will not arrive in the morning..".

"Okay..Good..Then..You take care of that Stevan..By the way before you go to sleep..Talk to your brothers first..they just came back from Manila a while ago ..".

"Dad..You know we don't get along like that..Why are you still forcing us to talk".

"Come on Stevan..My youngest child..Your mommy is gone and when I'm gone there will be only three of you left here..so why not at least be close before I pass away hah".

"Nevermind Dad.. After you get some fresh air here.. Go to sleep".

"Okay...Take a good rest Son..."

In the quiet Living Room, there were two brothers sitting as if they were waiting for someone.. One could notice the impatience in his expression because of the long wait, the other had finished making coffee and was just sitting calmly. until they heard the door open. of the door and the opening of the person they had been waiting for.

"Stevan.. Goodeve.. How are you".

"I'm okay Brother Sandy..." After Stevan spoke, he was about to go up to the room when his other brother suddenly stopped him

"STOP! That's how disrespectful Stevan is.. Your brother Sandy is still talking to you".

"I already answered his question..What else do you want me to do".


"Come on..Brother Sean..We just got here at home..He was arguing with Stevan right away..".

Sean Marchetti, the eldest son of the Marchetti, he is also one of the leaders of another organization of their family in Cebu City in the Visayas. cebu

Sandy Marchetti, Second among the siblings..If the youngest sibling has a serious and cold attitude, And the eldest has a hot head..Sandy seems to be the most approachable of the siblings..Because she is the only one who smiles and is friendly that personality. Of the three of them, he is the only one who can talk without having to tremble at the knees. Sandy is the one who leads their organization in Davao City in Mindanao.

"What do you want me to do..Tolerate his behavior..".Sean's complaint

"Oh, that's right..Stevan..Come here and sit down please..".


After a few hours of silence for the three of them. Sandy continued to sip her coffee and Stevan and I played with the weeding ring on his finger when Sean couldn't stand the silence anymore and spoke first.

"Stevan..I heard..You met earlier..what did you talk about".

"Asked Dad".

"It's here.. Why don't you answer me yet..".

"Brother Sean..You don't hold the organization in Manila..Why do you need to know".

"Fûck you Stevan..You know the head of our organization is in Manila..And Sandy and I are just tentacles in Cebu and Davao..If ever our organization falls in Manila..The one in Manila will also fall Cebu and Davao..Dad assigned you here in Manila-".

"So until now, brother Sean.. It's still against your heart that Dad put me in the head organization and not you.. That's why you're like this". When Stevan finished speaking, Sean suddenly pulled Stevan's collar.

"Can you fûcking shut up stevan..Don't be arrogant..The three of us know that your position is not yet official..That I can change you..Sandy will change you...".

Stevan grinned in front of his older brother. Stevan didn't even stop his older brother from pulling his collar.

"Why do you still sympathize with Kuya Sandy.. We three also know.. That we are the only two competing for the position of one day becoming mafia head..".

And suddenly Stevan removed the hand that was pulling on His collar

"Wait..Stevan..Where are you going".Sean, who was silently watching his two brothers face each other, called Stevan when he saw him leaving.

"To my wife..." This was Stevan's only answer before he walked out.

"Tchh..Look at him who still wants to run away".

"Hahaha..Brother Sean let him go..You know our youngest brother..Only Jam can soften him when he's angry..".


To Be Continued...

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"You didn't remember your name, little kitten?" the man with hazel eyes asked me that. I was lying on the bed and he was leaning on me so I could clearly see his beautiful features. His face is also close to mine. He had a square face that fit his undercut hair with a mix blonde and black color. His beautiful hazel eyes are so cold and blank. His long pointy nose, and his naturally reddish lips that are partly a bit. He's such a beautiful man but he doesn't have any facial expression, an emotionless guy. However, I can still feel my heart beating fast and his dark aura still gives me shivers. "Answer me, kitten," he complained that his voice was cold as ice but very husky. I close my eyes when I feel his gentle caressing my cheek. I feel an electric voltage coming from his hot palm. I was flattered when I remembered something. He is... This guy looks like... "Xenus..." I uttered his name and for the first time, I could read his emotions, shocked. "How about your name, hmm?" he asked me again. I shook my head because I can't even remember my name. How come that I forgot the most important things in my life? My name...and a blank memories... “You are Cashren Jhed Lindbergh, the beloved wife of Xenus Maicodel Levanna-Lindbergh. My kitten, you just woke up today after the comatose state. Welcome home, love,” he whispered as he sealed me with a kiss. But he's fake... He told me that we are married. That we both got married because we love each other. I trusted too much because I believed that he was my husband even though I only remember a few things about him. But as the days pass and the year draws to a close, I gradually remember my past that he intended not to remind me of. He just used me...he just made me a...judgment... He also made me believe that he loved me very much but that was not the truth for the past four years. He's been in love with someone else and that's what I can't accept too much. He lied to me... I gave my trust and myself to him because I thought he was real but he wasn't. When I woke up from comatose, and after my therapy... She got me pregnant right away. We gave birth to twins but while he was missing from the mansion, he went to see his woman and that woman was legally adaptive to my children. Xenus meant it, because he was a heartless. I fell to the floor because I felt intense pain in my senses again. I've been suffering from my migraine but he didn't even know my situation. "Jhed!" I was relieved when I heard his voice and I immediately felt his presence enveloping me. He grabbed my arm but I quickly struggled. "Don't touch me!" I hissed him. "What... What happened?" he asked me worriedly. Even though I really see that I will not affect him anymore. “My love...” “Stop calling me that, Lindbergh. I'm not your love. It's Margaret," I said emphatically and he cupped my face. I hit his shoulder only for him to let me go. "Jhed, you're my love... I love you," he said and firmly kissed my senses but I hit his chest. “Stop! I don't want... I don't want to be with you anymore because I'm not you... You're not my real wife! I will still be back. I will return to where I came from...” "You... You're going to leave me, us?" How about them, our kids, Jhed?” he asked me. “Even if I wanted to include them...you know that's not possible! Because I am not their legal mother, even though I am the twins' biological mother! You are so... You are so heartless, Lindbergh... That's why stop pretending that you cared for me!” "That's not true, love..." "I'm leaving. You will take care of them. After all...the girl you love is already there," I said calmly and gathered all my strength to push her away from me. I stood up and walked towards the door. I can't be with the man who cheated on me anymore, no matter how much I love him, it's still irrelevant. He hurt me too much. "You're not going somewhere, my kitten," he said coldly and I was even more shocked when he quickly faced me. He effortlessly slung me over his shoulder and threw me on our bed. I was about to get up but he quickly passed me. My eyes widened when he tore my dress and planted a firm kiss on my lips, covering my left breast with one of his palms. My tears immediately flowed because of what I thought he would do to me. “Stop it... Stop doing this, Xenus!” I shouted and tried to move my face away from him. He ignored me. He quickly removed his necktie and tied it around both of my wrists, which were above my head. "My love... You can't go... You can't leave me like this... You know that I'm in love with you... You are mine... Mine, alone... I'm the only one...I'm the only one you should know as your husband..." he said coldly but there was tenderness in it. There is still tenderness in his voice. What he told me today was true but I tried to ignore it. "This is... Stop it, Xenus..." I warned him. He separated both my legs and because he had given me his full weight I could not move anymore. I don't have the

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