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The Omega's One Night Stand

The Omega's One Night Stand



"If your dull brain wasn't able to detect it, let me break it down for you. I was only with you because I just wanted to. I felt like it. Not that I liked or had any sort of feelings for you or anything. I knew it wasn't going to be hard for you to fall for me. Think about it, Amy - how did you think in your wildest imaginations that the son of an alpha would fall for an Omega like you?" Heartbroken by the person she called the love of her life on her eighteenth birthday, Amelia l decided to get revenge by sleeping with a random stranger who turned out to be her mate and the only son of the biggest business tycoon in the city. A one night stand turned to something unexpected, and seven years after, she crossed paths with Cole her mate, this time with a baby to protect from him, and a fiancee in his life. What would be circumstances be after seven years? Will Cole come for his son? What happens when he realizes his best friend is also after her? And most importantly... Will the Alpha come for her again? Only one way to find out!

Chapter 1 The house party

Chapter 1

The day Amy had been looking forward to had finally arrived.

She was turning eighteen today and she was really excited about it. There was a mating ceremony going on in the pack house tonight. This was life changing for her, because once a wolf clocks eighteen, she'd immediately get her mate.

She'd been dating Jeremy for almost a year now, and she really hoped that he would be her mate. She'd fallen for his looks from the first day she'd seen him, and she was excited when he asked her out. They had few challenges, and of them was that he was sought after and eyed by many girls because of his good looks and the fact that he was the son of the alpha, making him the future Alpha of the Hollow pack.

She on the other hand was an Omega, which was the lowest rank in the werewolf society.

Because of this reason, their affair was somewhat a secret from the pack. Of course, there was no way people in school wouldn't know about their relationship.

The people they were really the relationship from were his parents. They knew his parents wouldn't be exactly elated that their only son - and heir to the throne - was dating a lowlife; a nerdy omega who had no friends apart from her books. There was no elegance in that.

Due to her boyfriend's status as the alpha's son and his good looks, plenty of girls had confronted her, telling her that he was way out of her league, but she didn't care to give them a listening ear because she knew that they were hating. She loved and trusted Jeremy, and she hoped the Moon Goddess would make them end up together.

One other problem they'd been having was her stand on not having sex until they were sure they were mates.

We've been seeing each other for some time now, but she had refused to give in to his sex demands until I was sure that we were mates. He told her he would be patient till then, but she knew that it took a lot for him to abstain while they were waiting and that was why she was even more excited about tonight.

She'd planned to surprise him by offering him her virginity tonight, after the mating party.

She hadn't told him yet, and she just couldn't wait.

She couldn't get herself out of her head as she looked at the mirror for the last time. She was finally ready. Tonight, I was going to get my mate!

She left her room and went downstairs to join her friend Kayla, who was waiting for her.

"Wow! You look beautiful!", She squealed in delight as she saw me come down from the stairs.

"Kayla, I know you're my best friend, so you always say that I look pretty even when I know I don't, but I really need your honest opinions on this. Do you really think I'm pretty in this dress?"

"Amy, I'm your best friend, so I'll let you know that I won't allow you to get to a party if I think you don't look like a queen. So believe me when I say that you look ravishing. You're going to turn heads tonight!"

"Good! I need to look good for Jeremy tonight", she muttered as she took one last scan around my dress to make sure everything was in order.

Amy noticed her best friend grew quiet instantly. She could guess the reason, but she decided to ask anyway.

"I just feel you're putting too much faith in Jeremy. I'm not saying that I don't want your happiness, but we're both young, and there are many things that could go wrong. Like... What if Jeremy is not your mate after all?" She asked for the tenth time since today.

Amy knew that her best friend was just looking out for her. She didn't trust Jeremy from day one, and Amy couldn't blame her. She totally understood. Being in a relationship with someone like Jeremy was too good to be true, and it was hard to not expect it wouldn't turn out for the best. But Amy knew better.

Amy sighed. "I'm sure of it. Just trust me", she replied. She was positive that he would be. The connection was there and she believed so.

"Okay then. Let's go have fun!", she put on her happy mood and both got out of the house to the party.

They soon got to the pack house and everywhere was lit. From the loud music to the flashing neon lights, the vibe was great.

"Have a good time, Amy. Let me go look for my charming Paul", Kayla bade her as she went into the crowd.

Now, she was just by herself. She had to go find her own Charming Prince.

She took out her phone from the purse and rang his phone.

He didn't pick up.

She tried his number again, but he still didn't answer his phone.

"That's weird", she said to herself, as she pouted.

But she wouldn't allow that to topple her mood. She'd been looking forward to this night, and she'd prepared too much to get sad.

She had to find her boyfriend.

She remembered that they always have their location on whenever they are apart, so it wouldn't be hard to find each other. She checked it and it showed that he was at the party. She just didn't know where yet.

She looked around, and she didn't see him.

She began looking for him and began checking the rooms.

"Hey, have you seen Jeremy?", She asked a stranger.

"I think I saw him at the back of the party with his friends", he said and left.

She began heading away from the fun towards the back of the house, with a smile on her face. She was going to appear beautiful for her boyfriend and in front of his friends.

She finally got outside and sighted the squad.

She walked towards them.

"Hey, babe! I'm here..."

The smile on her face was wiped immediately, and she gasped in shock at what she saw.

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