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The Sweet Seven

The Sweet Seven



"I'm not a homosexual! So if you could just stand aside where I'm going!" I shouted at the tall man blocking the hallway. As far as I know this man's name is Marco. "Ows really? Go ahead if you're not that or prove it. Kiss me." Oh That? Just a kiss?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Okay." He closed his eyes and was waiting for my kiss. So are his troops. So I gave him a strong punch. Oh no, he snorted blood at the same time Hunter and Winter ran together. We laughed when we got to the parking lot. "You're great sister!". the twins said at the same time. We even hid so his teammates wouldn't see us.

Chapter 1 Secret

Chapter 1

Oh, just don't report that I kicked someone. Just keep it as secret. Okay Bros?" I raised my little finger at the same time to seal the secret of the three of us. The twins also raised their fingers.

"Our secret Sis.". Hunter whispered. Winter just laughed.

The door of my room opened. Daddy. He was smiling but he seemed to know something.

"Twins can you leave us alone. Me and your sister will be going to have a long conversation...so please..." the twins stood up and closed the door of my room.

Dad sat on the small couch in my room. "Well. Someone called my office and said you kicked someone? Is that true?"

I nodded.

Daddy stood up again. "Okay. I called your Dad so that he can take care of what happened to you."

Then Daddy stepped towards the door to go out. It stopped when I called.

"Are you not mad at me?" I asked nervously.

Daddy smiled. "I know you did that for a reason. You're my kid that's why I know you better than the others. Okay. Just help your Mommy cook. Love you Son."

"Love you too. Daddy." then he left my room. I'm lucky because my Daddy and my Papa are kind.

I arranged my things first and then I went downstairs to help Mommy. Hunter prepared the table while Winter washed the dishes after we ate. Mommy doesn't want to have a maid because she has nothing to do all day, so we help with every task in the house.

We were all seated at the table when Dad spoke. "Tomorrow I will go to your school and the Principal will talk to me about what happened"

"Dad. I'm sorry." my groin But it shook its head.

"No need to say it again Seven. Don't be afraid. Daddy is a lawyer, right. Cheer up. That's right for them to grow up."

"Peter!" Mommy scolded Daddy.

"Mommy got angry...". Daddy said making the twins laugh.

"Eat children. Those who are caught are not allowed to watch T.V after eating."

we just laughed.

That's a great man, Marco! I'm going to hit him again!

Daddy drove us to Hamilton International School. Me and the twins are quiet. Dad fainted as we walked to the Principals Office. The Secretary greeted us then let us enter the Principal's Office. Marco is there with his Daddy and his Mommy.

I watched Marco and I was happy with the outcome of what I did because his muzzle really exploded. Because her face is thick, she imitates me from the girls she knows. I laughed so Hunter and Winter laughed too. Marco frowned at me. I care so much!

"Ummm kids. Stop laughing okay.". Daddy scolded. Then he sat in the chair in front of our Principal's desk.

"Mr. Daez. We called you because this is your son, Seven, who committed a sin and as the Principal, it is only right that I punish him."

"Wait. Miss or Mrs. Principal.". Dad raised his right hand. "You're going to punish my Daughter without any Trial? Do you know that we also have a law against Sexual Harassment?". Dad started. Marco, my Daddy is a good lawyer!

"Look my Daughter admitted that she punches her Schoolmates. Why? Because this young man here sitting in front of me is forcing my Daughter to kiss him. Am I right young man?"

Marco couldn't speak. Daddy continued. "Hunter give me the phone." Hunter gave me his cell phone and Dad started playing what my brother had recorded. I can see how he blocked me with his teammates. And why I punched him. They were all speechless except Daddy.

"So. If you punish my son because he only defended himself against this giant man. Well let's all meet in court. By the way Principal I am Attorney Peter Daez." then Dad turned his back.

"Let's go kids." he asked us out of that Office.

I was jumping when we left. "You're great Daddy!"

Daddy just laughed. "Okay, go to your classrooms." Dad kissed us one by one on the forehead. Then he went to the parking lot.

"O Sige na Kambal go to your room we're gonna be late." we run his own way.

I even passed Andro's Classroom. I just waved at him when he called me. Andro is in Asa Junior High like Hunter and Winter while Rei is in Grade Seven and Lorie is in Grade Six. We both study here in Hamilton.

At recess, we met at the cafeteria. We all shared a party at the same table. We were laughing when I saw Marco enter the Cafeteria.

I bowed slightly. "See that guy? That's bad, so don't go near him."

"Yes sister!". everyone has the same answer.

That's what you thought. Do it again so I can punch you again. In dinamirami Because you can trip me up or else you're going to blow your nose. Good for you!

Marco also glanced at me. I laughed at him at the same time. Wow, his bragging Face is broken!

"Sister. First we have class because we are." I nodded. Hunter, Winter and Andro stood together. Well, even though they're still in Junior High, they've really gotten the attention of those in Senior High. Their fathers are all handsome. Rei is the same. And the only woman who stands out besides me is none other than Lorie, Andro's First love. I even preceded them! Lorie is only twelve, but she and Andro are already there and they're legal! How sweet!

"Lorie...aren't you going back to your classroom yet?" Rei asked.

"Alright. I'll go with you, Brother. Andro is busy so he can't take me to my Classroom."

Rei laughed. "Oh, it's like you're always new to Brother Andro. It's just busy but dear! Come on, I'll bring you your bag." then it turned to me.

"Lorie and I are first." then they left together. They are so sweet and they don't develop with each other. After all, Lorie really loves Andro e. Hmmm, could it be Rei? Can he crush Lorie? That seems to be complicated.

"Wow. You seem to be thinking deeply." I was surprised and looked at what Rubioz, one of Marco's teammates, said, but he was not involved in their antics. Rubioz was silent.

I pointed to myself while looking behind me to see if it was really me. I heard him laugh then I looked at him again. And I hesitate to smile at him. We're not close, so I'm surprised that he came to me and then he's in the College Department while I'm in the Senior High Department.

"It's you. Seven...right?"

I nodded. "Ah. Yes, that's right. And you're the Rubioz of the Basketball Team, that's right."

"Right. Can we sit?"

"Sure. There's no charge for that." it laughed again so I laughed too. I lost my laughter when a chair fell.

Everyone in the cafeteria turned to the source of that noise. Oh It's just Marco. It's just lack of attention or maybe he didn't take his Vitamins so the screw in the brain loosened again.

He stared at me so I stared back. Then he turned his gaze to Rubioz... he took the Bag and then left. Wow what is that? Paepek factor. Or maybe he wants a umbag to cut his nose! You know who is Bully!

"We have practice later. I just thought you might want to watch?" Rubioz is really cute.

"I will watch? Oh, I have no interest in such things. Besides, I don't know any Varsity Players."

It laughed. "What do you think of me? It's okay to cheer me on. Because my other teammates bring their girlfriends."

I stared at him with pain. "Or don't bring your girlfriend with you. It's not the one you offered to, okay. Excuse me, I still have class."

I turned around when I heard him speak again. "I don't have a girlfriend that's why I invite you to come watch our practice. If that's okay."

I faced him. I gave him my plastic smile. "I'll think about it. After all, it's still tomorrow afternoon, right?"

"Ok. About 2:30pm. Don't you go home at 1:00pm.". Rubioz asked me.

"You know. Don't say you're a stalker, you'll imitate that Marco!" while my hand was still on his face.

He just laughed. "Because I'm handsome, am I a stalker? No. I like your attitude. You're different from our schoolmates, so I offered you to come with me later. That's it."

I just grinned and turned away. I even passed Marco's teammates who were still sitting and eating. They laughed at me so I kicked the leg of their table and spilled all their food.

"Oooooppppssss! Sorry. Next time, don't follow me! You fools! When do you think I'm going to back you up! Hmp!" and I walked tall. I even heard what Rubioz said 'nice one. Seven!'

Our school service is in the parking lot. I talked to the Driver that I will not go along. After all, I said goodbye to Daddy as well as Mommy and they both agreed and so did Papa. Papa is still teasing me that next time I should just slap him because he says his Hospital will lose money if he treats all for free. I got Papa.

"Aren't you coming with us Sister?" Winter asked with a smile.

"No, because I'm going to watch the practice game of the Basketball Team. Why?"

"Ah. Hunter and I had no idea that you already had a boyfriend!"

"Ha ha ha you're a boyfriend there!". I messed up both of their hair. "Okay. Bye! I'm going to the Gym."

I went downstairs so that our school service could leave. Well let's go. Wait, what kind of cheer should I do? If the other girl is yelling 'go baby go baby shoot that ball' what about mine? Think about Seven, I know! So you just want a cheerleader, okay Seven is coming!

I found two Big Plastic Bottles in the trash. I took it and went straight to the women's C.R. There was hand sanitizer there so I cleaned it and dried it. Then I washed my hands. Ha ha let's see who will cheer louder! I immediately came out of with two Plastic Bottles.

"MARCO IS RUBIOZ oh. We don't have a partner. I told you that his appearance wouldn't work with Seven either. You didn't. Is it still him?"

I punched it weakly. "You're crazy Henry."

We're not that close to Rubioz because he doesn't like to go along with our gimmicks and he's not a womanizer or maybe he's just a little girl. The Referee blew his whistle so we took our place in the middle. Rubioz and I are fighting, I don't know if I suddenly got bored with him a lot.

Me and Rubioz will get the ball from Jambol. Just as the ref was about to throw the ball when it was stopped by the noise of the cheering, we all looked at who it was and Seven was so surprised! He screams Rubioz's name! And he even has a noise suppressor with him.

"Go Rubioz pass your opponent when you defeat that I will free you with ice cream!" Seven shouted.

We all laughed. Rubioz briefly said goodbye to the Referee then he approached Seven. My blood is boiling.

"Oi Marco The one you're bullying just to get noticed, looks like someone else has noticed." Jack yelled at me.

"Shut up!" I just watched them while Rubioz helped Seven get off the bench. Then he sat on the bench where his things were placed. Then he came back.

"Ref is okay." it's a sign.

'Okay, face it, I'll pass you by!' I whispered in my mind.

We started with the ball. The girls we were carrying were also noisy, but Seven was noisier, even though she was dancing alone, we were still laughing.

The practice game is over. We won and Rubioz lost. I should be happy but why am I frowning?

"Dad. Let him go. Maybe he's really your Seven's type. There are a lot of bebots out there, don't complain." Jason grabbed my attention.

"I want Seven. If you want a bebot, go for it." I went to the shower room to clean my body and change my clothes. I caught up with Rubioz there. I didn't move him. We just look the same. He finished dressing first so I got dressed too. When I came out I was stunned because he was with Seven who was already walking and they both looked very happy.

I clenched my fist.

Someone walked with me. "Dude, you're cool. Do you want us to follow?"

I nodded.

They are in the parking lot. The thickness of his face to take Seven on his motorcycle.

"You can just forget about that Seven, man. It seems like she's hard to get. You've been paying attention to her for the last year, right? You don't even like her. Let's go home."

I like Seven. She will also be my girlfriend. A little more attention and he will like me too.

To Be Continued...

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