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Life As A Single Mother

Life As A Single Mother

Blue Speedy


Having a Family that don't care about you, that don't wanna see you prosper in life. That is bent in making your life a living hell. That's the life of Chioma Diana Okpara, A 21 year old undergraduate who finished her secondary school under the mercies and Grace of the Lord. Her mother died when she was Still tender, and her Father didn't waste a dime time.in marrying another woman not like her Father was officially married to her Mother. Their fucked up love story was actually a stuff that always bring tears to her eye. Now under the Mercies of her Stepmother and Stepsisters,how will Chioma survive. Not when she don't have a caring Father. Not also when her family sold her off to the supposed Man she thought that loves her Who will save her from her Wicked Family???. Now let's read and know more about the story

Chapter 1 A Product Of Mistake

Hi!. My name is Chioma Diana Okpara.

I'm from Ishiuzor Egbu in owerri North LGA Owerri Imo State.

I am 22 years old and also the Eldest child among the 2 Step sisters that I got.

Funny Enough,I mentioned my Stepsisters.

Lol, I laugh out in pains.

My Stepsisters, Julli and Stephanie are like a huge pain in the A**, not to include their mother whom is bent in making my life as useless as that of an expired Egg.

It turns out that what she want is what I am experiencing.

I am as stupid as ever.

Useless as ever.

Even foolish as Ever!.

In my community, all Young Girls make fun of me.

They ridicule me and as well point fingers at me.

Of course,my mom is no more.

As my father do say.

I'm a product of MISTAKE.

My Mother is a Prostitute.

She's as foolish as I am!?.

She don't deserve to be called a woman.

She was wooed by many guys.

*Smile out tears*

Those words were spat right at my face by my Father.

My Stepsisters used those statements on me.

That they even curse my Innocent mother.

I was Born into Okpara family as a Mistake.

According to what I heard, My mother ran into my father out of fear of being grounded by her wicked Aunt.

She gave her body to my father in exchange of being protected from her wicked Aunt.

And of course,my father took Advantage of her.

It's normal,as the whole boys in their area knows my mother as a Prostitute.

She did that to be saved from punishment.

Sometimes, Her aunt will send her out in the middle of the night.

She experience severe Rape report that in her community,they took her rape report as a normal thing.

It was After meeting with my Father, that she took in of me.

And of course,my Father rejected me right when I was still in her womb.

My Mom passed through hell with her pregnancy just to make sure that I am saved.

She cried to the extend of begging my Father to accept me and leave her.

But the lather refused.

Till she was almost sent to grave by her Aunt, that the villagers had to cautioned my Father to take her in.

I know fully well,that my father never showed my mother any love,Not to talk of care.

And she died when I was just 3 due to shortage of Blood!.

It's a touching story Right?!.

That was how I felt when an eyewitness explained it to me.

And immediately after my mother's death, My father brought in another Woman whom he claim that he love and was his soulmate.

That same woman turned my life from better to Worse.

I'm just like A slave in my father's house.

I Manage to finish my secondary schooling at the Age of 20.

Normally, I repeated class till my teacher had to push me to SSS3.

I received many insults and names from my fellow classmates.

My Agemates are all in Higher institution But I was still in secondary school.

I farm, do all house chores,Even hawk all that we cultivated in the market.

And guess what, My father caredless about it.

I was just like a Slave in my father's house.

A bastard as they do call me.

But that didn't stop God from letting me see another Broad daylight.

I fall sick a lot to the extent that the sickness left me.

To treatment,No medication.

Sometimes,I buy Paracetamol with the little change I got, even when the sickness is fever or Malaria.

All thanks to Dear God for keeping a watchful eye over me.

With all these drama, I ran into this Guy.

I met him in my stand where I roast fry corn.

He patronise me every blessed day and always dash me some money.

He's smile, He's cute dimples, charming eye and his Glowing skin made me to fall in love.

I admired him from afar to the extent that I can't stay a day without seeing his fair cute face.

I roast corn every evening at a junction.

And I'm always happy whenever it's time for me to Go out for the roasting.

My stepmom of course don't give a dime to me after all the stress,but caredless about it when Micheal started patronising me.

Whenever he lands with his Lexus 360.

My face and lips will stretch into a shy smile.

He will whine down his tinted glass and flash me a smile which I will return.

And of course order for corn of 1k and end up Giving me 5k

Keep the change, that's his slogan.

And guess what!, I'm used to it.

Few young girls along that area began to envy me.

Calling me a Prostitute.

I'm already use to the name.

Prostitute is just like my fourth name cos my mom also beared the name.

My Stepsisters Julli and Stephanie weren't left out.

The two 19 and 17 year old were also attracted to him, that they had to stay with me just to meet Micheal before heading back home.

I normally compose myself whenever they're with me to avoid beating.

Julli is 19 while Stephanie is 17

Julie just got an admission into poly nekede to study lab scientist, while Stephanie is about to take her SSCE Examination.

Julli and Stephanie are an epitome of beauty, because their mother cherishes and buy for then whatever they need as a woman.

Such as Pad, new panties,Bra, shaving bic, and even pay for their beautiful braiding, so many designers clothing and beautiful deodorant and creams shoes,slippers,heels,hangbag and purse.

They look so classy that I wish I just had one of it all..

But guess what,I don't have any of all that I mentioned.

The clothes that I wear,is the one they dashed me.

Most of the will be torn,worn-out and old, but I will still cherish it.

My panties are all worn out,that I can't even carry them outside of my room.

Cos Julli of course will make fun of me.

I can still remember the first time I saw my menstruation.

All my clothes soaked to the extent I didn't have any to wear.

I'm a type that have a heavy flow and I took it as a responsibility to stay indoors whenever I'm on my period..

But the first day I bought pad for myself, I was so happy that I had to hide it away from my step mom and step sisters.

I'm chocolate in complexion and I had one particular old cream that I rub that keeps my skin tone in check and I got use to it.

We call it Udeaki, and it's produced with palm kernel.

Wish my mom was alive, she would have cherished and love me like how my stepmom do to her daughters.

That's by the way, let me share how my love life grew with Micheal.


From Roasting of corn.

We started meeting secretly.

We talked about ourselves and I didn't hide any thing from him.

I told him about how I was an illegitimate child.


I can't just seems to hide anything from him.

To be frank, Micheal was the first Guy I ever had a crush on.

Despite my sisters flirting at him.

He still Maintain that customer face at me.

He knows that my step Sisters are bitchy.

He still composed himself.

He told how he had various heartbreak from different girls.

I pitited him, and also console him.

And that's how we got to know each other.

Micheal.is from Orlu, while i am from Owerri North.

He's 28 while.i am 22

He's fair in complexion,while I am chocolate in complexion.

He's a bit chubby and Tall, while I am Average slim.

We can make a great couple right?!.

We started dating secretly without the knowledge of my parents.

I rejected whatever he wants to buy for me.

Because of my safety.

I know it's silly, but come on?!. I'm still living in my father's house.

He might throw me out of his house, as he normally threaten me.

I'm scared and I don't have any other place to go.

When my Stepsisters found out.

I became scared and wish the ground could open up and swallow me right than instant.

I knelt under the sun and was answering series of Questions from my stepmom.

My father was just looking at me with the expression that he knows my life will be the same as that of my prostitute mother.

I was called a Prostitute for easily opening leg for Micheal.

Which I haven't done.

I'm still a virgin and Micheal knows of it .

He promised not to touch me, but the way my Stepsisters and stepmom took it was so personal that the news spread the whole of Ishiuzor.

Many girls started making fun of me.

And guess what, my stepmother stoppepd me from selling the roasted corn.

I was giving an instruction to be going to farm every blessed day.

And I took the order as a responsibility.

I don't dare disobey them,for me not to be starved.

That was how I stopped seeing micheal.

I started going to farm.

Harvesting, clearing the bushes and cultivating crops for close to A month.

I didn't see it hear from Micheal.

My only source of hope is gone.

And my Stepsisters are happy for it.

I just pushed all the feelings at the back of my body.

Things are meant to happen in different ways.

Maybe,we aren't meant to be.

I continued going to farm till one day.

I was shocked and petrified to see the only person I didn't expect to see.

Sitting down in one of my father's cushion, discussing and smiling with him.

Micheal, what was he doing here.

I will like to explain how it all happened.


That certain Sunday morning.

I was sent to the farm to hunt for snails.

Which was very hard to find even after the heavy rain that fell last night.

My worn out bathroom slippers cut and was particularly useless because it has spoilt finally.

I do stitch the slippers to the extend it can't be stitched anymore.

It was the only slippers I had for like 5 years now,thought it's no longer my size.

I dont have any other one to wear.

"Well seems like you're tired of staying with a broke girl. You can as well go and have a safe rest". I mumbled dryly to the innocent old and rugged slippers on my palm.

I smiled painfully before dropping the slippers and continues my journey inside the bush.

I held onto my breath as a match a broken bottle.

It's nothing, not like the slippers was useful.

It was as if I was walking on a bare foot.

I searched for snails buy couldn't find any.

It was getting to afternoon Time and I was as hungry as f**k.

Loosing hope of not finding any snail.

I decided to head home.

On getting closer to our gate.

I sight something like a jeep that belongs to one particular person.

Surely that jeep belongs to Micheal.

What happened!

My heart raced as my step came to an abrupt stop.

I'm grounded for life.

How did he know where I'm living.

I made sure to hide my Father's house from him.

Oh God.

💭Stop panicking,maybe he's here for one of your Stepsisters 💭

My subconscious reasoned.

My hand held tight on the bowl I used for hunting.

My sub might be right.

Julli is capable of snatching Micheal away from me.

Since she also had a crush on him.

I resumed walking with head bow, as I step into the gate.

I have taken a step away from the gate, before I was dragged forcefully to a corner.



My face was thrown at a side due to the impact of the slap.

I gasp and held my cheek as I stare at the person that slapped me.

Which turns out to be Julli.

"How dare you". She whispered yelled which was unusual.

"I'm Sorry!". I quickly apologise for what I don't know.

"You Bitch!"she threw another hard slap at my face and I sniffed.

"You dare meet him after being warned right?"

She was definitely talking about Micheal.

I quickly shook my head.

"I didn't meet him, I swear I didn't do such"

"You swear you didn't do such". She repeated in a scarcistic tone.

"And why is he asking for your hand in marriage". She yelled and pushed me.

I fell heavily on the floor and bruised my arm.

"Ouch!"I moaned in pains and began stepping back as she pick a cassava stem.

"No. No. Please, Julli "I begged as I drag my self away from her.

"You prostitute,you dare snatch my man. "She yelled and land the stick on my hand that I was using to shield my face.

"I didn't, I swear I didn't". I replied back close to tears.

"Then why is he here. He should be asking for my hand in marriage not you. I'm more classy, more beautiful than a Bat like you. You are stupid and useless just like your Mother" she screamed and made to flog me the stick before her sister intervene.

"What do you expect Julli. Her Mother is a well known prostitute and it runs in her Blood!. "

My heart triggered at that statement.

And it made a tear drop down my eyeball.

Stephanie smiled as she saw me in tears.

She whispered something to her sister and they bought shared a laughter.

Julli stared at me with pure hatred.

"Get in there and tell my crush, that you aren't interested in the Marriage"


That was when I heard it clear.

Micheal wanna marry me?.

Oh God!. Micheal wants to save me from the hell I'm living in.

"Are you not hearing me you little Thief". Julli scowled at me.

"Get in there and reject that Marriage proposal right Now!". Stephanie ordered and I quickly got on my feet.

With shaky leg, I walk pass them nervously bitting my finger nails.

"Look at how smelly she is"Julli cursed and close her nose.

"I wonder what Micheal sees in her rotten Body, Breast fallen, fine she no fine. Very ugly and smelling insect."Stephanie supported with a snort.

I ignored their words as I walk inside.

I can't just reject his marriage proposal.

I might die Young in this house if care is not taken.

This is the only opportunity for me and I can't miss it.

And that was how I accepted Micheals marriage request even after being warned by my Stepsisters.

My father refuse to give me his blessings.

He only ushered me out with Micheal.

Pretending to be a good father.

Micheal paid a huge sum of money for my brideprice.

I was so happy as I was lead out of the house with Micheal.

Ignoring my sisters death look.

I don't know what Micheal discussed with my father.

I didn't know what they told him.

I just accepted his proposal just to be out of the hell I'm living in.

My stepmom was happily waving at me as we drove out.

It was very unusual.

But I choose to ignore that feeling.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Micheal's right hand was rubbing my exposed thigh and his left hand controlling the steering.

My heart flipped as I sit uncomfortably pushing his hand away from my thigh.

"If only you know what I paid for,, you won't ever deny me my right over your Body".he said.

His voice as hard as a stoncore.

That's was when my mind clicked Into something.

My Father ushering me out means one thing.

And my Stepmom waving happily at me also means one thing.

They sold me out!

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