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The Lucy

"I'm watching you, your soul is mine", he was terrified as he watched the figures disappear yet a reverberating echoes of "...mine". The Lucy is a horror novel that introduces a family of seven all men, in a bid to get a girl to their family, they adopted a cute disturbed girl from St. Mary's orphanage. Read more about this story as things unfold.

Chapter 1 St Mary's Tale

As the sun reaches its peak, the horizon hits different, clothes spread out seems quite dried in a summer, the fig trees sings in its alluring voices whispering vaguely in languages that are quite incomprehensible but who wants to understand three languages by the way? The birds spreading its beautiful feathers and they raise raise their beaks and flew across the tree.

James sitting in a semi circular view, adjacent the fig tree sipping the Canadian pipe, something his first son would often times call " the street weed". James was a well built man, his light skin glowing in the summer would definitely remind Jessica of why she fell in love with him; his face is childlike, tall like he is an ancient African descendant, his smile so charming that one could always assume " he got everything figured out". Now retired from the force due to injuries from duty, he sat watching and beholding nature take its part in beautifying the existence called earth. He thought to himself, " why does the branches clap often?' He could literally assume that proper comprehension could give insight of tree conversations. He would in many occasions take a close shots from his camera, hoping to see smaller living organism, or probably capture where insects are marrying. Jessica would always describe his obsessions as " deformity from war" but that never stopped James from his obsessions about nature. While sitting and fixing its gaze at the tree, Jessica walks in taunting him about the small humans, she would ask him "how many did you see today?".

While they spoke about different things concerning their homes, Jessica brought up the topic about adopting a girl to stay with them. On different occasions, she has suggested it to James and they were inconclusive about the decision. James and Jessica often times called the J's family have the same thought about raising people, they love raising young people, watching them blossom into adulthood, since their 5 children are all grown to a certain age, they needed another adventure.

Jessica suggested they visit the St. Mary's orphanage homes, since the place is mostly crowded with young people, though recent stories foretails that people are dying, James would always insist that its lack of proper feeding and Mentorship that cause the death of young children at St. Mary's orphanage homes. They decided to visit the vicinity later that day after contacting the right authorities for adoption of a girl. They argued about the kind of girl they need, Asian, African, American etc. James always wanted a dark skinned girl but Jessica wanted Asian, "something about their round faces " she would always note. James want an African beauty that would add different color to their house because the five boys they have all seemed like they escaped albino, very fair like their mother with lovely brown eyes, tall like their father and fit, although they look more like their mother, you could still find the traces of their father's impact in them.

The roof path of St Mary's orphanage home has a rough but deep hole at the top, it seemed like an escape route for the disturbed individuals but rumor has it that figures appear at the rooftop every night, figures that cry like a baby yet having an adult voice. In different occasions, people suggested that a group of figures appeared from the rough top causing lots of panic in the west wing of the orphanage, these days people avoid going towards that part and the children have been forbidden to embark on any task that would lead them to that part.

On one occasion, a dead animal that was still bleeding was discovered around the region wrapped with white and red clothing. The animal was placed in a semi angular form like Antarctica occultic symbols, white chalks, hawks feathers, a pair of white eggs ( not chicken) were all found around the west wing. The area was officially named "The Disturbed".

One of the punishments the Matron of St Mary uses to scare people from doing anything contrary to what she instructs is the idea of carrying a disobedient child to the wing of disturbed. A place of many figures and many voices, crying baby with a manly tone, such a scary path to be at night. On one occasion, Rex disobeyed Zyana the matron of St Mary's orphanage and was taken to the hill side of the west wing, abandoned to be scared or rather devoured with fear, anxiety gripped the young Rex as he fainted with the slightest rustling of leaf and gnashing of unknown tenths. He could swear that he saw eyes lurking around the corner with deadly whispers and ghostly scents that filled the area. He could perceive blood freshly grilled and juiced, milked from an unknown being. The only thing that could come out of his mouth while he pleaded for mercy was " mummy help"!!!

Rex would wake up at the middle of the night after his encounter and sit at the middle of the hall with candles lighted around him, he would go quite for days, sometimes weeks unable to talk about his encounters in the hillside of the west wing.

Rex would randomly laugh at serious matters and frown at laughing matters, one time he went for a burial, everyone was weeping but he was laughing, something very strange must have happened to him out there in the hills, his tendencies and life perceptions have changed, he seemed really oppressed and possessed by the strange figures.

Because of the nature of St. Mary, people could not escape at night, in the morning, the orphans could not escape too because they are under the care of the agency, the Last three girls that attempted to escape one night was never found. Their clothes were found hanging at the riverine area of the hill, torn and kept like a wolverine strike. Fear gripped the children and teenagers as they saw and heard the stories afterwards.

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