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Temptation of Mine

Temptation of Mine



[R18] Daniel is the epitome of a badass police officer. Every girl he dated fell head over heels in love with him. His closest friend's brat sister, who is 12 years younger than him, is the only one who can tame him. But he is not the only man who fantasizes about her. He married her to ensure she was his, and she couldn't say no. Marriage, however, is not the key that will unlock her heart to him. To win his wife's affection, he'll do everything. It's all or nothing.

Chapter 1 About


Some chapters are not suitable for readers under 18 years old.

An explicit scene can be read.

As a heads up, English is not my native tongue, but there is room for improvement. I apologize for the cumbersome and inefficient grammar. Writing this kind of story is very challenging for me. I'm both excited and nervous to write this kind of story that lives up to the reader's expectations. I’m crossing my fingers that you’ll give my story a try.



Daniel is the epitome of a badass police officer. Every girl he dated fell head over heels in love with him. His closest friend’s brat sister, who is 12 years younger than him, is the only one who can tame him. But he is not the only man who fantasizes about her. He married her to ensure she was his, and she couldn’t say no. Marriage, however, is not the key that will unlock her heart to him. To win his wife’s affection, he’ll do everything. It’s all or nothing.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental.

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