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Juliet had never received love from anyone. Not from her parents or her twin sister. She had always been the ugly twin, the fat one. Finally getting love from someone, not just anyone but a wealthy handsome guy… felt impossibly real to Juliet. Was there a reason for the marriage, the young C.E.O proposed to her? Was it for money? Or is there something more??

Chapter 1 Episode One

It was prom night, I was dressed in my beautiful pink gown. Today is the happiest day of my life, because why? My boyfriend told me he had a surprise for me. Ooh I can't wait.

I giggled slightly, as I looked around the hall my eyes searching for Kelvin. Ugh, why is he so late.. he told me he would be early.

I sighed sadly, as I watched my best friend dance with her boyfriend. She's pretty, really pretty.

Her eyes met mine and she waved at me, I waved back.

I felt so awkward watching everyone dance with their partner and I'm just standing in the middle of it all.

"Enjoying the show." Kelvin voice came from behind me, and my whole face light up immediately.

I turned around in fast fluid motion, and the smile on my face dropped immediately. My sister was in the arms of my boyfriend, why?.. I don't know why.

"Uhm.. the.. both of you, are together?." I stuttered, my eyes questioning.

"Yeah, your sister is my date." Kelvin shrugged, his arms drawing my twin sister closer than she already is.

"Julia... What.. what.. is he saying." I stuttered staring at my sister. Please tell me he is lying and this is just a silly prank. You have always played pranks on me right?, So this is also a prank right?..”

My heart beat accelerated, my eyes gazed into hers.. begging and pleading.

Julia frowns, "Come on sis.. don't tell me you do not understand the words my Boyfriend just said. Incase you didn't hear, I will tell you.. he said.. that I'm his DATE." She dragged the words slowly, paying more emphasis on the word date.

Boyfriend, that word kept on resounding in my head, repeating all over and over again. Did she just say the same guy that I have been dating, the same very guy that I have been waiting for.. is her boyfriend.

I held back the tears, I had to.. I can't let the tears fall.. but my eyes failed me, my body failed me! The tears fell.

"Did.. did.. you.. just said.. boy.. boyfriend." I stuttered more tears falling.

"Tsk tsk tsk.. my ugly sister is crying. Aww come on.. did we make you cry.. huh? Did we?.." Julia mocks, she placed her finger underneath my jaw and tilt my face upward, so I could look at her.

"Did you really think that kelvin wanted to date you and that he was inlove with you. Oh my goodness, this is crazy. I can barely keep myself from laughing." She laughed out in the meanest way ever.

"Your sister is right, why would you ever think that I would love someone like you. Come on Juliet, You are fat." He chuckled his eyes roaming over my body, to prove his point. I swallowed.

He laughed maniacally, removed his arms from around my sister and then walked towards me in slow steps. "You are fat Juliet, you are ugly, repulsive, and disgusting. Who would love a fat ugly lady. No one Juliet, no one!."

"I think that's enough!. Juliet let's go." My bestfriend yelled, coming to my rescue. She held my hand and dragged me out of the hall.

"You are fat Juliet! You are ugly! Repulsive! Disgusting!. Who would love a fat ugly lady. No one Juliet! no one!." Those words kept on ringing in my head seconds after seconds, minute after minute, days after days till it became nothing more but a regular nightmare.


I sat up on my bed abruptly, my chest heaving really fast. I sighed, my palm on my forehead.

Why can't i just sleep for one night without having such annoying dream, tagged as nightmare.

The ringing of my phone caught my attention, and I had to search for it. I finally found my phone underneath my pillow, ugh.. it's Alice calling.

I'm sure she will be really mad at me. Okay.. should I answer or should I not?. If I don't answer the call, she will keep on calling me and definitely get tired but also.. her anger would only end up increasing. But if I do pick her call.. then I'm pretty sure my ear would end up getting blocked.

The call ended and I smiled happily, my happiness was cut off when she called again.

I knew she would call again, I'm not surprised. With a sigh I swiped the green button.

"Hey.. babe."

"No! No! No! Don't you hey babe me!. Where are you, you are late! Have you forgotten that you are not only my maid of honor, but you are also the one taking care of my cake. Where is my maid of honor? And where is my cake?. The wedding would be starting an hour from now, and you are no where to be found!.".

Oh holy shit! Today is her wedding, oh my God! Oh my God!. How could I have forgotten today is my bestfriend wedding.

"I'm on my way, I'm almost at the hotel. You haven't left your hotel room right?." I said hurriedly, getting up from my bed. I pulled off my PJ's trouser and then did away with my pant.

"Of course I'm still in my hotel room, how am I supposed to head to the church when my beloved maid of honor is nowhere to be found. You know, this is the reason why I asked you to sleepover, but no! You just had to refuse..." She blabbered on and on.. giving me an earful. I knew she was going to do this.

"Alice, Alice! I will have to call you back." I said struggling to get out of my PJ's shirt. Why do I even wear PJ's, I should be wearing night gowns and not PJs due to the suffering PJs normally cause me in the morning.

"No, you are not calling me back and you will not end.." yup, I ended it. I ended the call.

Well Juliet, she said the wedding is in an hour time. Which means I have only one hour to bath, put on my dress and to get to the hotel. I'm never gonna make it, yup, I will not make it. Hmm, I guess I have to try.


I raced through the hotel entrance door, looking like a weirdo. Have you ever imagined a fat woman, holding her shoes in her hand, her hair messy and undone, and she is running. That is me right now. Everyone looked at me, and I could pretty much tell that they are wondering if I escaped from a mad house. What is it called again... Yeah, an asylum.

I ran with all my might and every single strength I had in me, and believe me this is the most stressful thing I had ever done. I can hardly breathe!.

"No please, don't close it yet." I yelled at whoever was inside the elevator, it was actually two ladies and a young guy. Luckily for me, the lady heard me yell and she stopped the elevator door from closing. I thankfully walked into the elevator, my chest heaving so fast.

"Thank.. thank.. you.. so much." I thanked the lady, the words barely able to come out of my mouth. Woah, I am so tired. After Alice wedding, I am going to treat myself to a relaxing bath in Alice jacuzzi.

Well... I don't have one in my apartment, and since Alice is going for her honeymoon, and would probably not be living in her apartment anymore.... I don't see why I shouldn't help her stay in her apartment till her rent has expires. I'm such a good friend.

The elevator finally got to my destination, and I walked out. I searched for Alice room, and I found it.

With my hand on the doorknob, I offered a small prayer to God, I begged him to cool Alice heart, mind and soul with some ice, so that.. she doesn't end up sending me to an hospital. I turned the doorknob slowly, then stepped into the room. God please save me!.

"Here she is, my wonderful maid of honor has finally arrived, and I'm already an hour late to my own wedding." She said smiling. Oh my God, she's angry. Very angry at me. Lord please save your daughter.

"Why don't we.. well.. hurry up to your wedding, since I'm here." I said putting on a sweet smile.

"I would relly love to tear you apart, into tiny little pieces, but you are in need of a complete make over and also.. I wouldn't want my groom thinking that I had abandoned him. So sit your ass down, so the make up artist could do her job. And what about my cake?."

"Patrick already took care of that. Your cake is already in the church." I replied her, seating down on a chair.

"Okay that's good. Please Sophia, I need you to hasten up with the make up." Alice instructs, she sighs and sits down on the bed. God, thank you so much for saving my soul.

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