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The type of daughter Amelia was is pure and abstains from sexual activity until she discovered one day that she was pregnancy. for a seventeen-year-old never engages in social interaction pregnant herself This incident alters her life as well as the lives of those close to her. Uncertain who her child's father is She doubts if she is suitable for having children, while the actual test may be once the father is identified.


What? Pregnant? No way It isn't possible. That was the first thought that went through my head. To be pregnant meant you had to have sex. I had never had sex. I looked at the doctor like she was some kind of moron.

"Look. I can't be pregnant. I am a virgin." I laughed. The doctor looked at the test results again and then looked back at me with a mix of

confusion and calm patience.

"Miss Smith, I know you are young and this is scary for you but please understand Just because you say you aren't pregnant doesn't make it true."

I check these results over and over again and they prove that you are about two months

" pregnant". I stared at her, "Look doc but I am not

three years old, and I am seventeen! I know where babies come from. I know that the stalk doesn't drop them off at mommy and daddy's doors. I have never, ever, ever had sex or would remember something like that" The doctor swiveled around in her chair and looked at my face on.

"Sweetheart. have you been to any parties or have you been out drinking with friends ?

Because it is possible if you don't remember something it might have happened then." Amelia sat there looking at the doctor but only seeing a very distant memory.

About two months ago her best friend had had a huge party and not many people remembered the next day. Including Amelia. I could feel the room

getting smaller, things were getting blurry and she could feel the perspiration on her skin.

"Oh. sweet mother I was pregnant. Um, wow", was all I said. Of all the things Thad thought may have gone on that night, this was not one of them. This was as far away from all of them. I had had sex.

I haven't been a virgin for over two months and I didn't even know it. Well. not many people could say that, I thought. The look on the doctor's face was now The one of understanding. She reached over and put her hand over Amelia's.

"Ok, sweetie. you don't have to be nervous. There are options that yo.."

"NO!" I yelled, cutting the doctor off. "No.I don't want to kill my baby. I screwed up literally, not her" finished quietly.

The doctor looked at her with a fond smile "Ok. then. I think that for the time being. you should stay home from school for a few days and think things through, You should let your parents know.

They have been through a pregnancy before and could help a lot" she replied.

After getting a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

a million pamphlets about teen parenthood and a medical certificate so she could stay home for a few days. I left the doctors and drove the long way home. How do tell my parents, of all parents that i am pregnant? thought well better take a long way home.


A few weeks later Amelia still had not told anybody. I was beginning to get used to all the morning sickness and had invested in a few new clothes that would hide my slowly emerging baby bump. It was all beginning to feel very real, and very scary. was a seventeen-year-old student with a baby due in around thirty weeks or seven and a half months.

My entire savings account totaled $100, I had no idea who the father of my baby was and | had to name a baby!?! The name of my baby would be stuck with us both forever. What if I wanted to name it Gladiator or Lord forbid Bertha * because

was too doped up on the drugs?*

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