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HIRED FOR IT RATED 18+ Kyle was in his office sitting behind his desk looking up sites that sell kittens, he wanted to surprise his niece by getting her a pet for her birthday. Only what popped up was not with animals, but of women. Just then his friend Joe Hopkins walked in and went over to him, looking over his shoulder. "Wow, what have we here?" he asked, looking at the women on the screen. "I'm not sure. I was looking for kittens for sale and this came up." Joe read what it said out loud. "Kittens for rent, by day, week or month. Willing to do whatever you want, for parties, personal use or just to have some fun. I don't think your sister will appreciate you giving your five-year-old niece one of these," he said laughing. "So what is this site, is it a dating site or a prostitute one?" .

Chapter 1 Episode 1





Kyle was in his office sitting behind his desk looking up sites that sell kittens, he wanted to surprise his niece by getting her a pet for her birthday. Only what popped up was not with animals, but of women. Just then his friend Joe Hopkins walked in and went over to him, looking over his shoulder.

"Wow, what have we here?" he asked, looking at the women on the screen.

"I'm not sure. I was looking for kittens for sale and this came up."

Joe read what it said out loud. "Kittens for rent, by day, week or month. Willing to do whatever you want, for parties, personal use or just to have some fun. I don't think your sister will appreciate you giving your five-year-old niece one of these," he said laughing.

"So what is this site, is it a dating site or a prostitute one?" Kyle asked as he scrolled down at the different women on the page.

"I have heard of it, I think it's a dating site only it's more to do with getting laid. This might be good for you, you wouldn't have to worry about these women looking for a ring. Scroll down some more, let's see what they have." After five minutes Joe told him to stop and pointed to a young blond. "Damn, she's hot."

Kyle stared at the woman on the screen, she was drop-dead gorgeous. Blond hair, a great figure and it was her eyes that drew him in. They were big and emerald green, but he could see the sadness in them. "She looks so young," he said, rubbing his chin.

"It says all the women are twenty-one and older," Joe replied. "Hey, are you thinking of renting a woman, isn't that kind of sleazy?"

"I do need to get laid soon and I am going away for a couple of weeks. It would be nice to take someone with me and get regular sex. I don't feel like going through the whole wining and dining thing just to end up going to bed alone. I'm going for it Joe, this is the woman I'm biding on, she's beautiful." He clicked on her picture and placed his bid, making it high to ensure he'd get her. He had to state he wanted her for one month and put down an amount that would choke a horse.

"You better not let your sister know about this or she'll never let you anywhere near your niece again."

"Well I'm not going to tell her, and don't you breathe a word to her or our friendship is over, you got that?"

"Judy won't hear it from me, as long as you take me out to lunch," he said, giving Kyle a punch in the arm.

He did take his friend to lunch then after making sure his business was running smoothly he went up to the penthouse suite of his hotel. After showering he logged on to his computer and checked his messages. There was one from the sex kitten site. He smiled when he saw that his bid was the highest and was asked to put in his information and was asked to send payment to a bank account. Once they received payment the girl would be brought to the place of his choice when he was ready.

Once he did it he went to his bedroom and looked into the full-length mirror. He was proud of his looks, he was tall, fit and he never had trouble getting women. Then he looked down to his manhood, he knew the women loved how well endowed he was. All the men in his family were blessed in that department and what made it better he knew how to work it.

The following day he found a shelter that had dogs and kittens, he found a black and white one that he thought was friendly so he bought it for his niece and headed over to his sister's place to give it for her. He had also bought a carrier, cat litter and everything she would need for it. When he arrived the little girl, Chrissy jumped up and down, giving him hugs and kisses. Judy stood with her arms crossed as the kids ran around, snacks and birthday cakes were already placed on the counter. "You just had to get her a kitten didn't you?"

He stood back, leaning against the counter. "I could have got her a puppy, maybe next year," he said, laughing when he saw the look of horror that crossed her face.

"Don't you dare," she said, slapping his arm. "Go in the other room with the men and have a beer, unless you want to entertain the kids." She shook her head when he took off. "Coward," she shouted behind his back.

It was close to midnight, the kids were long tucked into bed and the grownups had a few beers and played some poker.

"So are you ever going to settle down?" Judy's husband Roy asked Kyle.

"Now why would I want to do that when there are so many ladies out there? I can't deprive them of all of this," he said, grabbing his crotch, making the men laugh and the women shaking their heads in disgust.

"One of these days you are going to meet a woman that will change your mind," Judy said, giving him the snake eye. "When you do you'll forget about other women and then, just maybe you'll be happy."

"I'm happy now," he said, turning serious.

She went and sat next to him, placing her hand under his chin. "No, you're not, not really. You haven't been happy since you took over father's business when he passed away. Now you have all those fake women chasing after you, you go from one woman to another to hide the fact that you're lonely. Find the right one brother and you'll never be sad or lonely again."

"You're talking nonsense sister, I'm happy the way things are. I have to go now but this was fun, next is a puppy," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek he left to go home. Judy was always trying to get him to settle down, she even tried to fix him up with some of her friends, which he found them to be plain and dull.

He went home and taking a beer from the fridge went and sat down with his laptop. He opened up the Sex Kitten site and took another look at her picture. He couldn't stop looking at her eyes, they were so beautiful and he couldn't wait until the following Friday when she came to his place. He wondered what it would be like to sleep with her, to make love to her whenever and wherever he wanted.

The closer it came to the day she would be arriving the more excited he became. He had the fridge stocked with food, he went and bought some condoms. He was having a hard time keeping his mind on work.

Joe showed up at his suite the night she was to show up, staying for a couple of drinks. "So when is she getting here?" he asked, looking at his watch. He was curious to see her, thinking maybe he should call the site and get himself a sex kitten.

"You'll be long gone before she gets here," he answered.

"Well, you're no fun. You ought to let me meet her, check her out for you and if you don't like her I can take the girl off your hands."

"You're one sick fucker Joe, now finish your drink and beat it."

Later he changed into sweatpants and a tee-shirt and he heard someone knocking at the door. He went and opened it and when he did he first noticed the man with his hand around the woman's arm. He wore a suit, was a big brut of a guy, he then looked at the blond who appeared a little afraid and she wasn't looking back at him. She really was gorgeous, she wore a short black dress and heels, her long hair hung down past her shoulders.

"You Kyle Hicks?" he asked, looking him up and down.

"Yeah, that's me."

"I'm here with your kitten," he said, letting go of her he reached into his jacket and pulled out a form. "Just sign here," he points to the check mark.

He took the form and signed it, handing it back to the man.

"Thank you, I'll be back for her in a month, enjoy." He then set her suitcase down and walked away.

He picked up her case and stepped back. "Come in, make yourself at home." He waited until she was in then closed the door. "So what's your name?"

"Kitten," she replied as she looked around the room. She had only seen places like this in books and magazines, she had to wonder what he did for a living and how rich he was. But she knew better than to ask questions, last time she did she was black and blue for a week.

"No, your real name."

"Kitten, just Kitten," she answered with her back to him.

"OK, have it your way, Kitten. I'll just put your things in my room and when I get back we can get acquainted. Please, have a seat, I'll just be a minute." Taking her bag he carried it into the other room. She was not what he was expecting, he was expecting someone more talkative, more bold and brazen. But this woman was quiet, shy and he could tell she was nervous which had him thinking she was new to this job.

He came out and over to where she was sitting. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'll have whatever you're having," she answered quietly.

He poured them both a scotch on the rocks and handed her one, he then sat down next to her and watched her take a sip. She started choking and her eyes watered up. It was obvious to him that she wasn't used to drinking the hard stuff. He takes the glass from her and stands up. "I think you'd be happier with a glass of wine." He comes back with the white wine and sits back down.

"Thank you," she said, taking it from him.

"As you know I'm Kyle Hicks and you'll be here with me for a month. I expect you to go with me to certain functions and we'll be going to Italy for a couple of weeks. Have you ever been there?"

She shakes her head and takes a drink of her wine.

"You'll love it, it's one of the most beautiful and romantic places in the world. I own this hotel and casino. I don't want you to get the idea that this arrangement of ours is going to turn into something more permanent. I also expect you to act like a lady around other people and not flirt with another man. After all, you're here for me, just me. Look at me," he said and waited for her to turn and look at him. "Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Now tell me something about you."

"What do you want to know?"

"Your real name for one."

"I'm not supposed to tell."

"Why not?"

"It's against the rules."

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I don't give a damn about the rules. We will be around family and friends and I can't introduce you as Kitten."

"Kiera Finn."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-two," she said, finishing her wine in one gulp.

Taking the glass from her hand he went and poured her another wine. "Here, you look like you could use another." He sits back down. "How long have you been doing this job?"

"Not long."

"You don't give out much information, do you? and don't say it's against the rules. Now I'll only ask you one more time, how long have you been in this business and how many clients have you had?"

"Like I said, not long and you are my first client."

"So that's why you look so scared. I want you to know I won't hurt you, I only want consensual sex and a companion when I go to Italy. Are you up for that or would you like to call this off? I could call the site and tell them I changed my mind."

"No, please don't call them. I'm just a little nervous but I'm up to this, I'll do whatever you want."

He saw the look of fear in her eyes, and wondered why, what was she afraid of? But he chalked it up to her being new to the business. "OK, so how does this work, where do we start?" he asked, watching her as she took another long drink of her wine.

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INTRODUCTION There’s always that guy… the one who always understands. Yes, the one who just knows the right things to say and when to say them; the one who fits into last minute plans without complaining? The one who will listen to you speak your heart out when you are troubled. The one who will watch the sunset with you and won’t mind breaking the night with you when you can’t sleep. The guy who always picks his phone, the guy who is never too busy for you, the guy who will show up even when he knows you are calling only because you got disappointed. The one who is selfless with his money? The guy who won’t mind sacrificing his important activities just to accommodate you. The guy who laughs at all your silly jokes, the guy who doesn’t mind you being clumsy or grumpy. Always understanding. The one whose answer is usually “no problem...” the guy who is everything but the one. He is just not the one. As a matter of fact he is nothing like the one. You don't like him, you don't fancy him, he doesn't tickle anything in you.. He is just not the one! Thandiwe is the name, the age isn’t the problem. I presume, unless you just haven’t identified him, there is always that guy. That guy in this case is Henry.. but he isn’t the one.. the one is Ndaweni.. the most handsome guy I have ever come cross. Accountant by profession, tall, perfectly built and absolutely amazing. So amazing he actually makes it obvious. Many are the times I feel like I’m pushing for this relationship to work. I know many of you will say I should leave but naaa.. you just don’t leave like that. Guys are hard to find these days you know. Guys that you actually like, very rare. But why do they grow big-headed? It always starts out so well up until they know you like them. Suddenly the relationship is a pain... you literally have to hold it together and you feel like a nag. Yes they come around once in a while but that’s just to boost their ego. The moment you seem to play the silent treatment they come back with their tails folded and as we are so loving, we tend to fall in love and lay down our hearts again before they trip once again. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Great let me tell you about my life then.





THE KISS {That changed everything ✓} *A sequel to MARIANA* SYNOPSIS; MARIANA DOMINGUEZ the eldest and the only daughter of the multi billionaire family suddenly had to deal with her parents constant pestering for her to get a boyfriend. And just when she thought she has had enough, she had to deal with her school's most baddest boy's cockiness. What happens when she finally fell in love but her family suddenly became against it? What could be the problem? And what happens when the good girl Mariana suddenly turn bad? What could make her do that? Was it THE KISS that changed everything? Let find all the answers in this new thrill! Stay tuned and you won't regret it! Extract from the book.... "I don't want you with him Mariana!" Paula warned fiercely. "But why mum?" "Because he's the son of our enemy from the past." "What! Are you for real mum? How can you involve me in your past life? I wasn't even born when it all began! No mom, leave us out of it if only you want what happened to you and Dad to occur again!" She said angrily and walked out. "Come back here Mariana. How dare you walk out on me?" She shouted but she was already gone. Paula paced about the room in worry. She thought of telling Pablo before things get out of hand. "Hi mum." Marion greeted and removed his backpack. "You know what mum?" "What is it?" "A girl told me that I was cute today at school." He said happily. Paula's eyes narrowed on him. "And what's so special about that? I've said that so many times to you?" "Yes you've told me countless times before but yours doesn't give me the sparks and get butterflies to erupt in my stomach so that makes it more special!" He grinned at his mum. Paula's jaw was almost dropping to the floor. "What?" She blink so many times unable to believe her ears. "What's happening to my children? On the other hand is Mariana and now this little boy too?" .......





Daniela's POV ~ 7:02pm. It was just two minutes past 7pm, and yet it was those two minutes that I knew would push him over the edge. Just two. I let out a nervous breath as I pushed open the front door to his overly luxurious apartment, stepping inside before I closed it quietly behind myself. I held my keys tight in my hand to stop them from jingling as I carefully dropped them into my purse. I guess I don't know why I was trying to be quiet, he knew I was home, he always knew. I made my way through the apartment and towards the stairs leading to the second floor. I went as quickly as I could up the stairs while trying my best to not let the excessive amount of chains and metal pieces on my Louis Vuitton purse jingle. Having a couple of dangly key chains on a purse is all well and good when you're trying to make the purse look pretty, but as soon as you're trying to be quiet it's pretty much game over for you. The second I stopped outside our bedroom door, I took a deep breath before I opened it, thankful that he was so rich that his doors didn't creak at all. He probably used some fancy ass oil to grease the hinges. Maybe you would expect someone like him to be relaxing downstairs in the living room with a beer, or maybe out with his brother or his friends since it was Friday night - possibly even with another girl. But he wasn't like that, he saved all that shit for later. Instead he was sitting at the edge of the bed, watching me as I opened the door. I didn't even have to look at him for long to know what was going through his head. The moment my brown eyes met his blue ones, I knew today wasn't going to be a good one for me. Actually I knew that since this morning when I accidentally woke him up while I was getting ready for work. He was too tired then but I knew he would bring it up tonight. The fact I was late home just made it even worse. "Daniela." My name left his mouth in a cold tone dripping with anger as he rose to his feet. "Ayden." I gripped the leather handles of my purse in my hand, watching his tall form as he closed the gap between us slightly. "You're late."

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