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Claim Your Bonus at the APP

Signing Bonus
a) Your book reaches at least 30 000 words.
b) The accumulated number of views on MoboReader during 3 month must exceed 3 000.
Monthly Bonus
a) Your book reaches at least 30,000 words.
b) Publish at least 50,000 words in one calendar month.
c) A maximum of 3 days of absence per calendar month.
d) Your accumulative reading income reaches US$10/20/30.
Completion Bonus
a) Your book reaches at least 150 000 words.
b) Your reading income reaches US$30.
Excellence Bonus
From the time of signing the contract, your accumulated reading income for 3 months must exceed US$30.
From the time of signing the contract, your accumulated reading income for 3 months must exceed US$60.
From the time of signing the contract, your accumulated reading income for 3 months must exceed US$100.
1. You can only get Signing Bonus and Completion Bonus once for each work, and the contracted work must be marked as complete within 4 months.
2. When your contracted work reaches 30 000 words, you can claim Monthly Bonus starting from the following month of signing. But you need to publish at least 1000 words per day. You can claim Monthly Bonus at most 3 times for each work after its reading income reaches the required threshold.
3. For each contracted work, you enjoy a maximum of 3 days of absence every month. If you are absent for more than 3 days on a calendar month, you will not be able to obtain the Monthly Bonus.
4. If you have several books that are simultaneously subject to the said bonus, you can obtain several bonuses as long as their qualities are maintained at a high level.
5. During the 3 months from the signing of the contract, if your book generates an accumulated reading income crossing the determined thresholds, you can get the Excellence Bonus, the amount of which will be determined accordingly. For each of your published books, you can only get one Excellence Bonus.
6. When a book is marked as complete, Monthly Bonus and Completion Bonus will be released within 3 months. If the conditions of certain bonuses are not met within the set time, you will not be able to obtain these bonuses.

  • Q: Are there any requirements regarding the length of the book or the number of chapters?
    A: It is highly recommended that you update 10 chapters and 10,000 words before you apply for the contract. In this way, our editors can better understand and promote your story.
  • Q: How can I get the Monthly Bonus?
    A: a) Once you have obtained the Signing Bonus, starting from the next month, you must publish 50,000 words each month; b) You have to upload 1,000 words daily(UTC+8) to generate a punch-in record; c) You can get three days off during the updating month d) Your reading income must reach the determined thresholds.
  • Q: How many times can I claim the Monthly Bonus?
    A: For the quality concern, you can claim the Monthly Bonus at most 3 times for each exclusive story signed during this event.
  • Q: My story is already completed and I want to upload all words at once instead of updating it daily. Can I get the Monthly Bonus?
    A: Please contact our editor and we will provide a suitable solution for you!
  • Q: Do exclusive stories share royalties?
    A: Yes, of course!
  • Q: How do I check the number of views of my books?
    A: In order to see the number of views for each of your books, simply log in and click on "My Stories".