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Darling writes

Darling writes's Books(5)

The Heirs of Doom

The Heirs of Doom

The Kingdom of Maghada and Colchis were headed by two Kings. King Frederick and a relative of his, King Hammurabi. Though the two kingdoms were related by blood. There was no mutuality of any sort. The king of Maghada, King Frederick. Always felt the King of Colchis had despision for his regality. But he was just using this to cover up his confined jealousy for the more successful state of The Kingdom of Colchis. Frederick's Ego grew and He decided to attack and take over Colchis. The attack was a surprise to Colchis and on that fateful day, Many great men of Colchis fell by the blade of the great men of Maghada. The King and queen were not left out of the heart wrenching slaughter. Everyone else that survived the conflict were taking as slaves into Maghada, leaving their land in ruffles.. Days turned into weeks, Weeks into months.. Months to years, and years to three decades. And the tales of King Frederick and his Relative was passed from the old generation to the new ones. It remained the classic story in the Empire. It has been thirty years since King's Frederick take over and the people of Colchis..or perhaps what was left of them, were still slaves working out their lives for him. The People of Colchis had completely loose hope on any way of escaping slavery. Many of them had passed away and the new generations had take over the jobs mostly. Ad they had little or no knowledge about the tales of King Frederick. Three of the old slaves, who were once princes of Colchis managed to escape slavery alongside some courageous slaves. They went into hiding and ameliorated. It took them years to gather up enough strength to ambush and attack Maghada. King Frederick fell alongside his Empire and the princes took back what was lost. The princes of Colchis brought up King Frederick's family and slaughtered them all. The army cheered and their noise Reverberated throughout the Empire. The Eldest Son of Colchis was about to give a speech to their well deserved victory when some of his men came up dragging a young lady. “My Lord, This their princess. We found her hiding in one of the rooms. What should we do with her” the men dropped her in front of the Princes. “ we'll just do the same thing that was done to my little sister!" The youngest Prince pulled his sword instantly to slay her. “Wait, we can't kill her now. ” The eldest Son stopped him. The youngest Prince pulled back. His eye had quickly turned tormented and he had to walk away from the scene. “ I will not kill you yet..ill make you suff..” “Where is my Father, what have you done to everyone you dimwits!” The princess Curt words came. The eldest son was spooked for a moment, He was shocked at her audacity to question his Regality. His brow arched and he sighed. He walked over to her and tilted her chin up, with his humongous and painful hands. “You will suffer in folds what your father did to us!”
His revenge, Her Entanglement

His revenge, Her Entanglement

Jeremy Ace, A young man who lives alone in an deserted hill in Houston Texas. He was only 28 when his wife and only son were murdered right in his face by his boss named Greg who was an arms dealer. Ace happened to have unveiled an evil plan which his boss was asked to carry out, Greg was to deliver a truck loaded with weapons, the weapons were to be used to attack a group of protesters over an unjust murder and rape of a minor, A crime committed by a minister. Ace eventually stoped the massacre from occurring. This really annoyed Greg and he asked his hefty body gaurds to seize and bring forth Ace and his family. Ace pleaded for his wife and son's life but he had to watch as his wife was shot in the head and his son was drowned. Ace was later forced to live in Houston most deserted hill ***** by his boss swearing to kill him if he comes near the city again. Things were hard for Ace as he struggled to get the memory of how his wife was shot right in his presence out of his head but it seemed impossible, And he seeked revenge for his late wife and son but it seemed impossible cause he had no connection to the city anymore. But eventually he stumbled upon a stranded stranger who's name was Jane Harrison. Jane was a foriegner who got lost in the hills trying to escape from wild cats that were chasing her and her friends after their car broke down. She stumbled upon an old looking house and was approaching it when she saw a young lad who helped and treated her. Jane was an heiress to a very rich business tycon, Mr Harrison, He was a multi millionaire and also a vicious politician. As the story progresses Jane realised it was her father who ordered for the weapons used for the massacre. Knowing well that helping Ace get his revenge will get her father in danger she was left with a hard choice to either help Ace or return to her father.